Chapter 32

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Y/N's P.O.V :

The plane take off . I wonder how long will this flight take . I turned to Niall .

Y/N : "um Niall how long will this flight take ???"

He thought for some moment then said :

"8 hours"

I gasped . 8 hours on this plane !? Oh god .

Niall : "comn it is not that long"

Y/N : "for you Niall it is not long but for me it is because it Is the first time to fly"

He laughed . I think 15 minutes passed and I was doing nothing . It was boring . I groaned and turned to Niall and said :

"Offf Niall I am so bored . There isn't anything to do ???"

Niall : "of course there is . Wifi . this small tv screen infront of you , you can watch movies , listen to music and play games and of course there is me"

He winked at me . I rolled my eyes . I know he wanted me to say "ok I will choose you" but that was not happening . I wanted to tease him .

Y/N : "I will choose the wifi"

I smirked and took out my phone but he grabbed it from me . I turned to find him fake gasping and pouting .

Niall : "you choose wifi over me ???"

Y/N : "why not . I mean wifi is my boyfriend"

Niall : "fine then . Wifi is my girlfriend too"

Y/N : "give me back my phone"

Niall : "not before saying that you love me"

I sighed . I know he was teasing me about the whole WiFi thing .

Y/N : "fine . I love you . Now give it to me"

He gave it and I sat back in my seat .

Niall : "I love you too"

He laughed and I just rolled my eyes . He then opened his phone and started doing whatever he was doing . I unlocked my phone and went to the WiFi to connect it but it was secured . Ugh I hate secured wifi . I turned to Niall and said :

"Niall do you know the password ???"

Niall : "no"

I saw him smiling . He was teasing me back . Ugh .

Y/N : "fine . I will get it myself . Thanks Niall"

I pressed the button that says "flight attendant" after about 1 minute a man flight attendant came . I looked up . Oh my god he was so hot . He had dark brown hair , wide dark brown eyes . His face was cute and hot .

The flight attendant : "yes beautiful ??? How can I help you ???"

I was pulled out from staring at him . Fuck . Fuck . Please tell me I didn't star at him . Wait I feel my face is red . Am I blushing ???

Y/N : "c-can I get the w-wifi p-password ???"

Shit did I just stutter ??? Fuck me .

The flight attendant : "sure it is"

He gave me the password .

Y/N : "thank you"

The flight attendant : "no problem beautiful"

I felt again my cheeks are red . Fuck me . man why am I even blushing ??? He walked away and I connected the WiFi . I checked my massages and had 7 massages . 1 from Harry . 1 from Zayn . 1 from Louis . 1 from Liam . 1 from Y/B/F/N . 2 from Niall . Wait Niall ??? I decided to check them orderly . Niall was the first .

Niall :

"Aww were you blushing because he called you beautiful ???"

"Oh my god you even stuttered . -_-"

Was he serious ??? I turned to him but he was sleeping . I am sure he wasn't . This massage was sent 5 minutes ago . He can't be asleep that fast . I shook my head and clicked on the next massage .

Harry :

"Hey gurl . How are you ??? :) xx"

Y/N :

"Hey boy . I am good . You ??? :) xx"
I then clicked on the next text .

Zayn :

"Vas happenin Y/N ???"

Y/N :

"Nothing much . ON MY WAY TO IRELAND :) . what about you ???"

I clicked on the next massage .

Louis :

"Where are you girl . Haven't seen you in so long :( missed ya :*"

Y/N :

"I am here on a plane Louis . Missed ya too :*"

I clicked on the next massage .

Liam :

"Hi . Do you remember me ??? I am Liam Payne your friend . WHY HAVENT YOU TEXTED ME ALL THIS TIME . EMMA CRI NOW :'("

I laughed at his text .

Y/N :

"Aww sorry Li . But you know I had finals and graduation and stuff "

I clicked on the last text .

Y/B/F/N :

"Have a save flight and enjoy your time . Love ya"

Y/N :

"Aww thanks babe and I love you too ;)"

Finally done with massages . What should I do now ??? Niall is probably sleeping . I didn't want to open the Twitter or instagram because I know hate will be everywhere and don't want to read them so I listened to some music and had a little chat with the guys . You know ranting about our lives to each other . I looked at the phone to check how many hours had passed and guess what only 2 hours did pass . This is going to be so long . I locked my phone and took out a book from my carry on bag and started reading it to kill time . After I was bored from reading I checked the time 1 hour passed that means 5 hours left . -_- . I need to pee . I got up and went to the back of the plane where the bathroom was . I went inside . I always heard from my old friends that they hate the plane's bathroom because they say you will feel like you will fall . And let me tell you . It was true . I was scared . after I was done I flashed the toilet and washed my hand . I also fixed my hair . I went out and started walking to my seat .

Niall's P.O.V :

After I sent her the texts . I wanted to sleep so I locked my phone and sat back and closed my eyes . I drifted off into a small sleep . I opened my left eye and saw she was texting someone . It better be not be that guy because I would kill him . I closed my eye and slept again . I don't know how long passed but I felt the seat next to me being empty . I opened my eyes and looked at the empty seat beside me . Where did she go ??? Maybe I am overreacting and shouldn't worry to much about her ??? No of course I should be worry especially when that guy is around because she seemed so attracted to him . I saw everything . I was pulled out of my thoughts when my phone buzzed . I unlocked it and found a text from Liam .

Author's note : hey . Vote . Comment . Follow . Share . MY BIRTHDAY IS AFTER 4 DAYS (30TH JUNE) I WILL TURN 15 :) YAYYYYY

1114 words ☺

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