Chapter 74

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Y/N's P.O.V :

I opened my eyes the next morning feeling tired , it is not like I slept the whole night anyway . Today the boys were coming to London . Which means that they will sure come to Birmingham . I don't want to face any of them today . I mean I missed the boys as hell but I know that if I saw them they will not stop talking about how Niall is depressed and all this shit so I will have to cross the hard pass which is not to meet them but how ??? I can't just lock myself in the room . I looked at the calendar and saw that it is Friday . Cool , I can go to college and then go to work . I haven't been to the college or the work for about two weeks and I am not ready to be honest but it is my only runaway place if I don't want to face the boys especially Niall . I got up and took a shower since I hadn't had one in about a week and i don't want to smell like a skunk . After that I put on a white skinny jeans and a sleeveless brown shirt (picture bellow)

 After that I put on a white skinny jeans and a sleeveless brown shirt (picture bellow)

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I put on some accessories just to make it look like I am fine .... When I am not . I also applied make up , I applied a lot under my eyes though to make the bags under my eyes less showing . I applied also waterproof mascara just in case I cried today . I then threw some stuff in my bag and A LOT of tissues . I then went out and slowly walked downstairs making sure not to wake Sophia up . I went out and got in my car and started driving to MacDonald's . I don't want to eat because I am used to not eating breakfast for two weeks but also I didn't want the people to see me as a broken girl . I must appear as a normal girl , a moved on girl even though I didn't and I will never . I parked the car and went down to bring the breakfast , I could have went to the drive thru but it wasn't my plan .... I ordered my food and sat down and ate . About two fans came and asked for a picture , I agreed and faked smile , I wish I could have smiled a real one but my smile for the past two weeks haven't been real , Another two fans asked about me and Niall but I answered the same answer

"Sorry but I don't want to talk about it"

I am glad they respected that answer and didn't push much further . After I was done , I went to the car and started driving to the college , I parked the car and went down .

*At 11 pm*

Ok . So at college I sat with some friends , of course everyone was asking how I was or how I was dealing with the situation or what will happen now with me and Niall . Most of the answers were :

"I don't know"


"I am fine"


"I don't wanna talk about it , sorry"

Some of my friends tried to make me laugh or smile , I would always fake a smile or a laugh just not to make them feel bad or embarrassed . After college I went to eat lunch at kfc after I was done , I went to work . Same thing happened at work . Nearly the same questions were asked and nearly the same answers were answered .... I wasn't looking forward to this moment and still I am not . Now that I am done with today's shift , I gave to go home . Which means that the boys will probably be there . I am still not ready to face them . But it is not like I have any other place to go . I don't have any friends to stay at , I mean I do have friends from college and work but they are just classmates or workmates . Should I stay at a hotel for the night ??? No let's just face it , I can't run away from them forever . I will have to face them sooner or later . I started driving to the house , driving slowly maybe extra slowly ??? Yeah . I arrived at 12 am maybe I should just sleep here in the car and not go inside ??? No Y/N I should face it ... Even if I don't want to , I should . I closed the car and went out . I walked to the door and unlocked the door . I saw the three boys running towards me along with Sophia ...

The boys : "We missed you"

Y/N : "I missed you too guys"

Sophia : "how was your day ???"

Y/N : "nothing new . Guys I am tired so I am going to sleep , good night"

Sophia : "good night"

The boys : "good night"

I walked upstairs and to my room . I was relieved that Ibdidn't face Niall . I sat on my bed and drank a glass of water then I was about to change into some comfy to sleep in when there was a knock on the door . My heart starting beating fast , was it Niall ??? What should I do ??? Should I answer the door or just ignore it ??? I took a deep breath and walked to the door and opened it to find a person I was afraid of meeting or facing , a person whom I used to love and I still do even though he broke my heart and broke his promise . A moment I was afraid of happening from the last two weeks . A moment that I knew that I would have to face even though I didn't want to . A face that I had missed seeing and touching . This moment was on of those expected moments that you can have ... A moment that every girl is probably afraid if facing . Niall then said the words that I had predicted to be said :

"can we talk ???"

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1005 words

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