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Y/N's P.O.V :

So since this is the last chapter of my life . I don't want it to be all sad and stuff , I want to remember all the good things that happened in my life and I am going to share it with you ....... so I won't say that my life is perfect because no one has a perfect life , right ??? Everyone has their ups and downs ..... even if you think that someone's life is perfect that is because you have only seen the good part of it , you didn't see the bad parts ...... I have lost my dad when I was 16 , he died by a heart attach , I thought that my life stopped and that it won't be good again but I was wrong ..... sure it was hard on me and my mom but we were there for each other eventually we moved on but we never forgot about him , he will always be in my heart ...... After I went to the 1D concert which changed my life 360 degrees and fell in love with Niall , I thought that I had a perfect life .... but that was till I started getting hate from the world ..... Niall was always there for me and I was always here for him ..... I had the best friends anyone could ask for :


They weren't just my best fiends they were my life ..... when I was small I used to think that just because I have a family that loves me , a boyfriend who loves me and a best friend who loves me then my life would be perfect but as I said no one's life is perfect and this is something I learned from life experiences ..... having a boyfriend that loves you doesn't make your life perfect ..... you will both have ups and downs with each other , right ??? But the secret is to be strong and to try and solve things out .... just like me and Niall did ..... now when I look back at my life I thank God .... why ??? Because I have the best husband anyone could ask for , a lovely son and bunch of best friends whom I love ..... of course I am sad because God took away my mom and dad but instead he gave me the best family and friends ....... life is like this things go and things come and you have nothing to change , you have the choice to either be string and face all the changes or be weak and suffer . I know that all people give up and all people makes mistakes but always remember that second times is an option , you have a second time to stand up and face your fears , you have a second time to avoid your previous mistakes . When you fall try to stand up , you inly live once . So you gotta take all the chances and try . Sometimes they will work , sometimes they won't ..... I also want to thank Niall for everything he gave me , the love he gave me , the time , the money , the family . EVERYTHING .....
There is one last thing to say to Niall :


Niall's P.O.V :

Is it my turn already ??? Well it is so let me start by saying that I couldn't ask for a better life ..... I had a pretty good childhood even after my parents divorced , I am actually glad that I auditioned in the x-factor because it turned my life upside down ...... It made my dream come true and it made me know sone great people whom I call bow my friends with amazing people and some of them are the boys .... maybe we didn't win the x-factor but instead we won the world well it is a quote that our fans love ..... when I thought my life couldn't get any better , I was wrong because I them met Y/N whim changed me into a better person and now I am half that I have her as my wife ..... I am also glad that I have my son whom me and Louis spoiled with golf and football ..... I have the best family and the best friends I could ask for ...... my life is completed not perfect but I love the way it is now ....... I woild also like to say to Y/N :


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