chapter 2

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Y/N's P.O.V :

I went towards the gate and showed the security my tickets and VIP pass and he told me to wait after the show so I can go backstage . I went and stand in my place . luckily I didn't find any of my friends because they were sitting back . after a while 5SOS appeared on stage , we all started singing and having fun after 1 hour the video intro began which is a sign that 1D will be on stage soon . after the video intro they appeared and the girls went CRAZY as well as me . at the middle of the concert they started playing waterfight with each other then they were whispering something then each one went to a separate angle . Harry was standing our side the girls and I prepared our water bottles and so did Harry . We started the fight suddenly Harry Sprinkled water at me and some drops came into my eyes , he laughs and then mouths :

"I am sorry"

I gave him a smile and he went to Niall whispering something . Niall came towards our angle then Harry pointed in my direction the girls stated screaming . Niall smiled at me and then they went back to the group .

Niall's P.O.V :

Harry came to me and said :

"hey Niall there is a beautiful girl standing at that angle"

I wanted to see that girl Harry is talking about I went to where Harry was standing when playing water fight I looked at the girls and I spotted a girl in the front row . God she is beautiful . I thanked God that she is in the front row because that means that she will be backstage after the show . I went happily back to the group and we continued our show but I was taking fast glances at her . God her smile is sooo beautiful . After the show is over we went backstage to meet fans and I was searching for that gorgeous girl . we took pictures with fans and stuff then Harry whispered to me :

"Niall the beautiful girl is coming towards us"

Y/N's P.O.V :

after the show I went to the backstage I was a little nervous I saw girls crying and fangirling  . finally I spotted them and started walking towards them feeling more and more nervous , Harry whispered something agian to Niall then Niall looked towards me and smiled .

Author note : so what do u think is going to happen next ??? :)
anyway u have to wait , I am excited for the next chapter .
plz keep voting , liking , commenting & share it with ur friends ;)

434 words ☺

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