Chapter 54

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Y/N's P.O.V :

I woke up and looked at my right and Niall was sleeping . He must be tried . I got up slowly trying not to wake him up then looked at the time 3 pm . I went to the bathroom and did my business . I then went out . I checked my phone and found a massage from Sophia . If you were wondering how she got my number well earlier when I was with the girls , we exchanged numbers so now we know each other's numbers . I clicked on the text .

Sophia :

"Hey Y/N . It is me Sophia . I just wanted to let you know that me , the girls and the boys are going out to have lunch . Are you and Niall coming ???"

Y/N :

"Hey Soph . I just woke up . Niall is still sleeping so I will ask him"

Sophia :

"Okay . Take your time ☺"

I put the phone on the beside table and got on bed . I shook his arm but he didn't wake . I then started jumping on the bed and screaming . Suddenly I wasn't jumping on the bed anymore . He grabbed me and pulled me in his arms .

Niall : "that is better"

Y/N : "Niall wake up everyone is going to take lunch out"

Niall : "I would rather spend the day here with you"

I smiled at his response .

Niall : "here we go . They will start now stealing you from me"

Y/N : "no"

Niall : "yes . You will spend more time with them , have those girly shopping days and all those stuff"

I laughed . He was cute .

Niall : "you wanna go ???"

I nodded .

Niall : "then let's go"

I hugged him and he kissed my forehead .

Niall : "just because you want to go"

I smiled and went to my suitcase . I pulled out a white crop top and a short white shirt that had some black flowers (A/N : photo in photo box) I went to the bathroom while he changed in the room . I took off my clothes and put on the outfit . After I was done . I went out and Niall was already done . As soon as he saw me he whistled . I laughed and went to put on some accessories and do my hair . I curled my hair and left it on my shoulders then I applied make up .

Niall : "you know that they are gonna all be jealous now ???"

Y/N : "why ??? I am nothing compared to them Perrie is a singer , Eleanor is a model and Sophia works as a model too so why would any of them look at me"

Niall : "maybe they have those jobs but not your body or style in choosing clothes and that is why they will be jealous"

Y/N : "I bet"

Niall : "so let's make a deal if any of them said that your body or style of clothes is better than them you will buy me a Nondo's meal if you won I will buy you ........"

Y/N : "a MacDonald's meal"

I raised my eyebrow .

Niall : "okay"

Y/N : "okay"

We shook hands then laughed . My phone beeped .

Sophia :

"You guys coming ???"

Y/N :

"Yes . Where are you ???"

Sophia :

"Meet us at the lobby"

Y/N :


We put on our shoes and grabbed our things .

Y/N : "they are waiting in the lobby"
Niall nodded and we went out . Niall took the key card and put it in his pocket . We took an elevator and went down . We walked to them .

Louis : "oh here they are"

We sat next to them .

Sophia : "oh my god Y/N I love your outfit"

Eleanor : "same . Oh my god"

Perrie : "me too"

Niall didn't stop smirking the whole time . Now I owe him 3 Nando's meals . Ugh .

Y/N : "thanks girls . I love your outfits too"

Harry : "Niall why are you smirking ???"

Niall : "oh nothing"

Liam : "let's go before they start talking about fashion and get into the girly things"

We laughed got up and every one walked to his car with his girlfriend . Harry then came to me and Niall .

Harry : "guys can I come with you ???"

Niall : "of course mate"

We got in Niall's car . Niall then started driving to the restaurant we chose earlier to eat at . It was a small Italian restaurant that Zayn knew .

Niall : "so did the others didn't agree on you going with them ???"

Harry : "I didn't even ask them . I don't like to go with any of the boy's when their girlfriend's are with them"

Y/N : "may I ask why ???"

Harry : "well because Liam and Sophia are very romantic and cute all the time , Eleanor and Louis are always taking about sports and Zayn and Perrie always talk about their wedding but you guys are just being yourself . You aren't that couples that makes their single friends feel sad like Liam and Sophia are . Don't get me wrong you guys are also cute and all but I just feel comfortable around you guys"

Y/N : "I am speechless"

Niall : "me too"

He laughed .

Harry : "but guys don't say anything I just said"

Me and Niall nodded . It made me happy to know what he thought of us . We then sang to some songs that was on the radio and laughed until we reached the restaurant . We parked the car next to the others car's . We all got down and closed the cars then went inside . A waiter was standing there .

Liam : "a table for 9 please"

The waiter : "sure sir . Follow me please"

We followed him and sat down . We then ordered our food and drinks . After we were done . Me and the girls went to the bathroom .

Eleanor : "why did Harry come with you both . I mean he had a car"

Y/N : "I don't know . Maybe he was lazy to drive"

Eleanor : "maybe"

We fixed our hair and make up then went out . We went to the table and sat down . Soon the waiter brought the bill . Liam was about to pay when Niall stopped him .

Niall : "it is on me this time"

Liam : "but the amount is big"

Niall : "I don't care . It is on me this time"

Liam nodded and passed him the bill . Niall took out some cash and put them on the bill . We got up and left the place .

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1057 words ☺

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