chapter 8

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Y/N's P.O.V :

today I have school ugh I wonder who loves school , I woke up and went to the bathroom and took a shower then I went and put on my grey skinny jeans and black t-shirt and my grey beanie and my black converse I went down and find my mom sitting in the living room . usually she goes to work before I wake up so I went and sat down next to her and said :

"Good morning mom"

Y/M/N : "Good morning sweetie"

Y/N : "why didn't you go to the work today ???"

Y/M/N : "I am a little sick"

I kissed her check and said :

"Get well soon"

she smiled and I got up and went to the kitchen to have breakfast . after breakfast I took my bag and waved bye to her and went to the school . as I enter the school boys and girls started looking at me I just ignored them then I found my best friend Y/B/F/N running towards me , I hugged her and and I asked her :

"what is wrong with the boys and girls ??? why are they lokking at me this way ???"

she raised her right eyebrow and said :

"Don't act like you don't know !!!"

I laughed and told her :

"what is really happening ??? I don't understand anything !!!"

she again raised her eyebrow causing me to laugh again :

"You didn't see Niall and your pictures everywhere ???"

I gave her a shocked looked and blushed and she just laughed . god I have the best crazy friend anymone can have , I love her . after a while of talking the bell rang for the first class .

Niall's P.O.V :

today I woke up late tired from yesterday I checked the time at it was 12 pm I wanted to surprise Y/N by going to her school but I didn't know the location so I decided to go to Starbucks then to her mom's house to ask her about the location . I went to have a shower and then I put on my black skinny jeans and and white t-shirt and my white converse and I went to Starbucks , after I finished drinking my coffee I went to her house I knocked on the door and her mother answered . she told me to come in and I asked her about the location of Y/N's school and what time they finish and I told her that she won't be back before 6 pm. they finish at 2:30 pm so it was 2 pm I thanked her and went to my car and followed the directions her mom gave me I reached there at 2:15 pm , i parked my car in the school parking lot , after 15 minutes I heard the bell rang and some girls and boys started running out of the school building .

Y/N's P.O.V :

today wasn't a bad day but it was just full of stupid looks which I ignored them all the time , after the ball rang I put my things in the bag and waited for M/B/F/N to finish putting her things in her bag , after she finished we went out of the building together and I saw something I wasn't  expecting it to happen in millions of years . I found my boy standing in the parking lot and looking so beautiful . me and M/B/F/N looked at each other and smiled then I went running to him . he raised me a little off the ground and hugged me tight he whispered in my ear :

"I have missed you so much"

I bury my face in his neck and whispered back :

"I missed you more"

then we got disturbed by M/B/F/N , he put me down and I told him :

"Niall this is my best friend Y/B/F/N"

he smiled to her and shake her hands then she asked him :

"Please Niall I know this isn't the good time for this but can I have a picture with you ???"

he smiled and said :


She handed me her phone and I took the picture after that I waved bye to her and Niall took my hand and we went to his car . in the car me told me :

"How was the surprise ???"

Y/N : "best surprise ever"

Niall : "was it expected ???"

I shake my head NO and he laughed and said :

"well , expect anything from me and anytime"

I gave him a hug , then I said :

"by the way how did you know my school location ???"

he smiled and said :

"Your mom"

I nodded , he then said :

"so where do you want to have lunch ???"

Y/N : "anywhere"

Niall :  "what about McDonald's ???"

I nodded then he said :

"by the way I told your mom that you won't be back before 6 pm"

Y/N : "why ???"

Niall : "we will go to have lunch then to my hotel room"

I smiled and after 10 minutes we were at McDonald's . we ordered our food and went to sit . since I am a directioner I know where the boys come from and where they go to and the dates of their interviews so I was going to ask Niall which channel their interview was going to be on . he pulled me out of my thoughts by saying :

"by the way you will come with us to tonight's interview"

god he always reads my thoughts . I was happy and I blew him a kiss in the air and he smiled and returned one . after we finished eating we went to the car then to the boys hotel , Niall parked his car we went down and into the elevator , after we went out of the elevator we head to his room , we went inside and he closed the door behind him .


Author's note : hey guys thnx for voting and commenting and keep it up plz . Do u think the book is okay or should I delete it ??? :)

love u all babies ♥

1006 words ☺

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