Chapter 66

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*2 months later*

Y/N's P.O.V :

Today is February 14th . Of course that date reminds you of a world's day . Today is the Valentine's Day . So first lemme tell you the highlights of those two months .

On December 2nd :

It was my birthday . After the party we went home .... I was so tried to open the gifts but the boys and the girls insisted on me to open them saying things like :

"What is better on your birthday than opening gifts ???"

"You won't have the same happiness you will have if you opened them tomorrow"

"Birthday presents should be opened on the same day"

Of course if you were in my place you wouldn't have another choice but to give up and open them . Anyways I am glad that they made me open them because I was having so much fun ..... I got many things . Niall's birthday present was so good too . It was an infinity necklace with the words "You" and "Me" (A/N : picture in the picture box)

 It was an infinity necklace with the words "You" and "Me" (A/N : picture in the picture box)

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I totally loved it and until now I wear it . It reminds me of that night . Okay now moving on to the next highlight day .....

On December 25th :

Christmas day . Of course I needn't have said it because who doesn't know Christmas but I guess I just did say it . Anyways of course all of us Know what Christmas brings with him . Happiness , gifts and family . This was what we exactly did . Me and Niall spent the half first day together with the rest of the boys and the girls . The second half me and Niall spent it with his parents and my mom . My mom flew to Ireland and meet Niall's parents a day before Christmas while we were enjoying Louis' birthday party . anyways we flew to Ireland and spent the rest of the 2 days there while my mom flew back home , anyway I got a lot of Christmas presents but I guess this was ordinary on a Christmas day . Niall's Christmas present was so good . He gave me a lot of his clothes . He knows how much I love wearing his clothes so he gave me some . They were some hoodies , sweaters and jackets . I was very happy with them . I gave him some crazy colour socks since literally he started having a new weird obsession with crazy coloured socks . He started buying a lot of them and he would wear them . I still don't understand what is so attractive about them but I guess that you can say that my boyfriend is crazy . Ok so next thing :

On December 31st :

New Year's Eve ..... the boys had a performance on one of the American shows so the boys flew me and the girls there . We went to the show and watched them perform after that . Niall took me out on a date and when the clock stroke 12 am Niall kissed me just as everyone around us did . It was amazing night . Ok so now that you know the highlights of those 2 months we can go back to today . Valentine's day . Me and the girls were boarding the plane now . We just arrived in Melbourne . The boys are having a show today here . I have never been to Australia before and I am glad I am visiting it on Valentine's day . It was sunny and warm . Me and the girls went to the luggage claim . After we got our bags we went to the departure gate . We saw the boys but they were just four . what the hell ??? I didn't find Niall . I frowned . We went to the four boys as each boy welcomed his girl with a rose and a kiss . I hugged Harry since we were the one standing there . After I pulled away I said :

"Harry . Where is Niall ???"

Harry : "he is busy"

I frowned yet again . What kind of thing that kept him "busy" from coming to the airport . I decided not to ask any more questions . I hugged each boy when they were done . Fans and paps were already here . Me and Harry walked side by side while each boy walked with his girl . Paps and fans where asking things like :

"Where is Niall ???"

"Why is Niall not here ???"

"Did you guys break up"

I sighed and we finally got inside the van . Everyone talked with each other . I didn't talk much though . They would try to make a conversation with me but I would give them short answers . After some time we arrived at the hotel . We got out .

Harry : "here is the key to yours and Niall's room . He told me to give it to you"

I thanked him and took it . We went in the elevator . Liam pressed the 10th floor . Do those boys ever stay in low floors ??? They are crazy . Can't they stay at the 1st or 2nd floor ??? Why would they always go for the high floors . The elevator dinged and the doors opened . We said goodbye to one another . I looked at the key card and the number 1010 was written on it . I looked at the door numbers . 1005 . 1006 . 1007 . 1008 . 1009 . 1010 . Here it is . I put the card in the hole then took it out . A green light appeared and I opened the door to gasp . Red petals and red flowers were all over the place . On the bed , on the floor and on the smal coffee table . I couldn't believe that . I turned around just to Jump a little . Niall stood near the door . He got in and closed the door then said :

"Happy Valentine's day babe"

I ran to him and squeezed him as he hugged me back . I couldn't control my tears as I let it out . It was happy tears of course . Niall pulled away and looked in my eyes as he whipped the tears away .

Niall : "those are happy tears right ???"

I nodded . He smiled which caused me to smile too then he hugged me again .

Niall : "I love you so much"

Y/N : "I love you too"

We then kissed . I pulled away and took a picture of the room posting it on instagram with the caption :

"Just got into the hotel room to find this ....... thanks baby , I love you @niallhoran 💕🌹🌷💐"

Y/N : "so is that why you were busy that you couldn't come to the airport ???"

He nodded and I hugged him . I jumped on the bed making all the flowers and the flower petals to jump into the air ..... so far this was so incredible .......

*********************************** Author's note : Vote . Comment . Share . Follow .

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I love you // Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now