Chapter 73

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*one week later*

Y/N's P.O.V :

I was now making breakfast for me and Sophia . We were back in our apartment , I put two plates of pancakes as Sophia walked downstairs looking pale . Maybe she didn't get enough sleep ??? Or she is sick ???

Sophia : "good morning"

Y/N : "good morning Soph . Are you okay . You seem a little bit pale"

Sophia : "I am fine . Just tired"

I nodded as we sat on the island . Maybe she is just tired . After we ate breakfast . I went to the couch and was about to take the newspaper when Sophia took it from me . I frowned

Y/N : "what is wrong Sophia ???"

Sophia : "nothing"

Sophia's P.O.V :

After I woke up . I was scrolling through twitter and something cought my eye . All the fans are talking about Niall and a girl called Melissa . There are pictures and videos of them kissing and hugging back in Australia. ... poor Y/N . I know Niall isn't that type of boy .. but why would he do it ??? I mean it is obvious that he wasn't drunk in the pictures and videos. I felt like I became pale because I knew what would happen as soon as Y/N knows . They will both broke up which I never want to see . They are both perfect for each other . This can't just happen . I became a little pale as I walked downstairs . I hope she doesn't know until I ask him about it . Who knows maybe it is just a rumor and this pictures and videos are photographed . I went down to find Y/N cooking us breakfast . I sat and we talked as we are breakfast . After some time we went to the living room . Y/N was about to read the newspaper when I pulled it away from her .

Y/N : " Sophia what is wrong ???"

Sophia : "nothing"

The reason why I didn't want her to read the newspaper was because maybe it will have the Niall rumors in it . We watched some tv and of course I was the one who was holding the remote control . Whenever there was news in the tv , I would change the channel fast . Am I being a bad best friend . I mean she will find out sooner or later , right ??? . It was now 7 pm . I went to the bathroom . After I came back I found Y/N crying . Oops what I was afraid of happened ......

Y/N's P.O.V :

Sophia went to the bathroom . I don't know why but she has been acting really weird since this morning . Like there is something she doesn't want me to know or see . I will talk to her when she comes from the bathroom . I opened my phone and then went to Twitter . Which I regreted doing . I wish I didn't have to open it because what I saw made me nearly loose my mind . I saw rumors going around about Niall and a girl called Melissa . I couldn't hold my tears anymore . I mean who doesn't cry when they know that their boyfriend/girlfriend are cheating on them with someone else .... Sophia came down as she hurried to me as she tried to comfort me . Nothing can ever comfort me .

*2 weeks later*

It is been 2 weeks since the whole cheating thing . Me and Niall haven't talked . Him and the boys were coming back to London today . In this 2 weeks . I haven't stopped crying . I wasn't eating like before or sleeping too . I didn't go to collage to . I became Skinner and I had bags under my eyes . I haven't been out of the house since the news . I try to forget about him but everything reminds me of him . I mean when I check Twitter . I find pictures of Niall . My room is full of pictures of us and things that he had brought me . His clothes . His voice in videos . In newspapers and tv . Sophia tried to get me out of the house and out of my mood but I can't , every night I would cry myself to sleep and I would cry all day until there was no more tears . I wasn't ready to face Niall yet . The boys told Sophia that he wasn't fine either but excuse me , he is the one who cheated here not me . I don't see a reason in why would he be depressed . I haven't been answering his calls or massages all the two weeks and the boys said that it is one of the reasons why he is depressed . Someone knocked on my room door making me get out of my skin . I whispered a faint "come in" and Sophia walked in .

Sophia : "c'mon Y/N at least eat something"

Y/N : "I am not hungry Sophia"

Sophia : "can you at least eat a banana . For me ???"

I looked at her and sighed , nodding . She smiled and went down and after some time she came back with a banana in her hand . I ate it then we said our good night's and she went out . I got under the covers as I stared at the black wall in front of me . Was I not good enough for him ??? Did he even love me ??? Did he get bored from me so he went to find someone else ??? Wasn't I a good girlfriend for him ??? Maybe this Melissa is prettier , skinner , older , better for him ??? What am I do to now ??? Is this why Sophia was acting weird the day I found out ??? It should be . But did she knew about it and didn't tell me ??? No no Sophia isn't like this , right ?? My mom and the girls tried to contact me but I didn't want to talk to anyone. I wasn't in the mood . I sat upright as I sobbed silently , I don't want Sophia to wake up just because of my crying noise . Will Niall come and try to talk to me or will he not come ??? Should I forgive him or not ??? This is so confusing ....... Ugh

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