Chapter 88

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*three weeks later*

Y/N's P.O.V :

Ok so we were back in London . I bet you want to know what happened on our honeymoon , right ??? Okay so let me tell you a quick sum up of each day of the honeymoon . So the first and second day you know what happened . Incase you forgot , I will do a quick recap . So on the first day after the weeding in Miami we flew to Hawaii . We went to the beach and then had a date night then had sex . The next day Niall didn't wake up till 6 pm . I on the other hand woke at 3 pm and got a tan and when he woke up we went to a restaurant then we eat then had a couple of movies and then went to a beach cafe . The third day we spend it in a carnaval .... It was really a good day . The fourth day we spend it on the beach . Getting a tan and swimming . At night we went to a restaurant. The fifth day we did some shopping in town and went to some historical places . Sixth day we went to a theme park and at night we did a little clubbing . On the seventh and the last day I decided that we should buy Niall's family , the boys and girls a suvenoir . He agreed and we went and bought all suvenoirs like ech other . Niall said that if we bought different suvenoirs the boys would fight over it so that was why we bought them all like each other . After we were done . We packed our things and took lunch out in some restaurant then we we went to the airport . Anyways back to today . Niall was in LA meeting some fiends he was coming in an hour . It is April . Summer was close and I was so happy . Today when I woke up I ran to the bathroom and puked . I don't know what happened to my stomach . Maybe I am sick , or maybe I ate something poisonous . I was pulled out of my thoughts when the door opened and I jumped off the couch and ran to the door . I jumped in his arms . He has been in LA for a week . He hugged me back .

Niall : "I missed you"

Y/N : "I missed you too"

Niall : "let's go out . It is sunny outside and you know it is not always sunny here"

I nodded understandably .

Niall : "do you mind if the boys came along ??? I missed them"

Y/N : "of course I don't mind at all . I will also call the girls to come along because I don't want to be the only girl plus I haven't seen them too"

Niall : "okay tell them all while I take a shower .. okay ???"

I nodded . He kissed my nose and took his suitcase and went up . I took my phone and opened our imassage group , I then typed in :

"Guys me and Niall are going out . Who want to tag along ???"

I clicked the "send" button before locking my phone and going to the kitchen to prepare Niall a cup of coffee . He must be tired and jetlagged so I hope a cup of coffee will help . I sat on the kitchen counter top and opened my imassage . I found that all of them decided to come along . Cool . Niall then came down and he opened his phone then looked at me .

Niall : "cool they are all coming"

I nodded and jumped off the counter then took the cup of coffee and put it in front of Niall on the kitchen island .

Niall : "aww babe . You didn't need to do it"

I smiled at him and took his hand in mine as he drank the coffee and we chatted with the boys and girls on the imassage group . We decided to meet at the theme park . I went up to get ready .

Niall's P.O.V :

we were now done from the theme park . We had a lot of fun . We were walking to the gates when Y/N laid her head on my shoulder . I squeezed her hand . I looked down at her to find her face is pale .

Niall : "babe are you okay ???"

Y/N : "no . I feel dizzy"

I was about to carry her when she fell to the ground and her eyes closed . We fast kneeled to her side .

Niall : "someone call 999"


We were now in the hospital . The doctor was still inside soon he came out .

The doctor : "she is fine . You can see her now . I will tell you what happened in 5 minutes"

We nodded and we entered her room . She was drinking a cup of water .

Niall : "how are you feeling babe ???"

Y/N : "I am fine I guess"

We sat by her side . The doctor came in 5 minutes . He then said :

"Congratulations Mr.Horan you will be a father . Mrs.Horan you are pregnant"

We all gasped as I looked at Y/N and went to her . The doctor went out and then the boys and girls congratulated her then they went out to give us some privacy . I held Y/N's hand .

Niall : "oh my god I can't believe that I will be a dad"

Y/N : "Niall are we dreaming ???"

Niall : "absolutely not babe . You are going to be a mother .... We are going to be parents"

Happy tears were running down from our eyes ..... The boys and girls came in and soon the doctor came in too .

Niall : "but doctor . Why did she faint ???"

The doctor : "because she must have worked hard . From now on . She will need to rest . No more carrying heavy things , working hard , smoking , drinking . We want a healthy baby"

He laughed making us laugh back .

Sophia : "when will she be out ???"

The doctor : "now . But just please be careful"

Y/N nodded as I helped her get up from the hospital bed . I paid and we went out . We said our goodbyes and each one went to his house . We went home and slept .......

************************************ Author's note : Vote . Comment . Share . Follow .

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