Chapter 49

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Y/N's P.O.V :

When Niall woke me up . I got up because I didn't want to disappoint him . We are both excited for the date so I didn't want to make him sad . So I got up and rubbed my eyes .

Y/N : "what is the time Niall ???"

Niall : "it is 9:10 pm"

I nodded and got up from the bed and took the jumpsuit/Avarol that Niall bought me today and went to the bathroom . I took off my clothes and put on the jumpsuit/Avarol . I then watched my face and brushed my teeth . I went out to find Niall already wearing and looking handsome as always . I went to the suitcase and pulled out the make up set and started walking to the bathroom . Niall followed in and wrapped his arms around my waist and watched me through the bathroom mirror . I ignored him and did my make up . He kept doing funny faces which made me laugh and ruin my make up but I fixed it anyways . After I was done . I made my hair in a high pony tail and put on some accessories and the black high heels and sprayed some perfum and I was done .

Y/N : "I am done"

Niall : "finally"

I bunched his arm and we went down and of course grabbed our phones . Niall opened the door for me and I went out . He closed it behind him and locked it . We then walked to the car and again he opened the door for me . I kissed his check and got in . I buckled the seatbelt and when I was done . Niall was already there and buckled up . He then started the car and of course I didn't ask where we were going because I know that he won't give me an answer so I just stayed quite . He held my hand with one and drives with the other . His hand were warm and comfy . I rubbed my thumb on his hand because I felt he was nervous . I wouldn't blame him though . If I were to take someone on a date , I would also be nervous . Soon we arrived . I looked out of the window and saw that we were at the movies or cinema as some people say . I looked at him and smiled . He gave me a small smile and I said :

"It is cool Niall"

Niall : "really ???"

I nodded and he went out and as I unbuckled my seatbelt and was about to open the door but I was too late . Niall already did that . I got out and he closed it and pressed the close button on his car key and the black range rover made a sound that means that it was locked . He took my hand and we walked to the tickets window . A young girl was sitting . There was a short line , that gave me and Niall some time to discuss what movie we were going to watch .

Niall : "babe . You choose the film"

I looked through the movies and thought for a moment before making up my mind on which film we will be watching .

Y/N : "um how about the obvious child ???"

Niall : "sure babe"

Y/N : "if you don't want to , we can choose something else"

Niall : "no I also was looking toward to watching this plus it is your choice so I am sure we won't regret it"

He gave me a kiss on my lips and I smiled . We stood some more and finally it was our time .

The girl : "good evening . How can I help you ???"

Niall : "is there any free seats for the obvious child film ???"

The girl : "just a moment please"

She then typed on her computer . I hoped that there would be places and my hoping were true .

The girl : "yes sir . There are places"

Niall : "cool . Can we get two seats in the middle row please"

The girl : "sure . Just a moment"

She again typed on her computer and soon she handed Niall the two tickets and said :

"Here are they . The total is 50£"

Niall handed her some cash and she said :

"Thanks and enjoy your night"

Niall smiled at her and we went inside . Niall looked at the time the movie starts on the ticket and it said :

"The movie starts at 11:15 pm and finishes at 1:15 pm"

He then looked at his watch and said :
"We still got 15 minutes"

I nodded .

Niall : "let's go bring some popcorn"
We then went to the snacks bar and Niall ordered two big popcorn . We then went to the Cinema room and gave the guy who is standing at the door our tickets . He looked at them said :

"Follow me please"

He opened the semi-dark room and showed us our seats . We thanked him and sat in the seats . I rested my head on Niall's shoulder and he kissed my head which made me smile . Soon the light went out and the intro credits started playing . I removed my head from Niall's shoulder and we both got ready to watch the film .

*after one hour*

It was the one hour break . The first of the film was so good , we kept laughing the whole . The film was cool . The light got turned on again and some people started walking out .

Niall : "do you need anything to eat or drink ???"

I shook my head . He nodded .

Niall : "are you enjoying your time ???"

Y/N : "yes Niall"

I kissed his cheek and he smiled and kissed my cheek back and I smiled back . I took his hand in mine and just enjoyed the feelings I got . Soon the light again went down and the movie started again .

*after one hour*

The movie now was over and the whole time I was holding Niall's hand which he didn't seem to mind . Now we were walking back to the car still hand in hand . He again opened the door for me and I went in and buckled the seatbelt . Niall did the same and started driving back home .

Y/N : "thanks for the date Niall"

Niall : "no need to thank me babe"

Y/N : "I am sorry though"

Niall looked at me and frowned before looking back to the road .

Niall : "why ???"

Y/N : "I am sorry for holding your hand for what I think is one hour . I am sure it sore by now"

Niall : "I would never get sore from holding your hand . If I could hold it all day , I would do it"

He then put his hand in my hair and pulled me to his side and gave me a quick kiss in my hair . I laughed and he said :

"I am happy you enjoyed though"

Y/N : "I enjoyed because I was with you"

I then kissed his cheek . Soon we arrived to Niall's house . We woke up at 9 pm so we weren't sleepy . We got inside and I changed into Niall's shirt and shorts while he changed also .

Niall : "now time for the campfire"

Y/N : "yesssss"

We laughed . It is time .

Author's note : vote . Comment . Share . Follow .

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