Chapter 79

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Niall's P.O.V :

After the doctor went out Y/N said :

"I am finally getting out of here tomorrow"

I nodded . After a moment the girls knocked on the door . I opened for them letting them come in . They all runned to Y/N hugging her . I opened the door and said :

"Um girls I will be out here"

They nodded and I closed the door . I want to give them some privacy . I went to the bathroom to wee and after I was done I sat in the chairs In front of Y/N's room .......

Y/N's P.O.V :

After Niall left the room , the girls sat around me .

Sophia : "how are you feeling ???"

Y/N : "fine"

They nodded . They told me about whatever happened in the past two weeks .

Perrie : "so how are you and Niall ???"

Y/N : "we aren't back together . We are in good terms . But still we haven't talked about that"

Eleanor : "you should give him a second chance , you don't know what did the poor boy do ???"

Y/N : "what did he do ???"

Sophia : "he didn't leave the hospital . He was always here by your side . The only time he would leave was when visitors would come to see you . He would go to the bathroom or buy something to eat . Sometimes we would grab him some food or clothes from house and he would go to the bathroom and change into them . He would sleep on the chair next to you"

Ok . My eyes were teary now . I didn't imagine him doing that . He is so cute .

Y/N : "oh my god"

We then talked some more until they had to go . The boys came next . We sat and laughed a little while Niall was still out . After that my mom came and we talked until she went . Niall knocked on the door then opened it pooping his head and said :

"Can I come ???"

I nodded . He came in and closed the door . We sat in silence . Not the awkward kind of silence but the peaceful kind of silence . He was just holding my hand . Everyone is his own world .... I guess both of us was afraid to talk about "us" .... after about 10 minutes someone knocked on the door . A nurse came in holding a tray of food .

The nurse : "good evening Niall . Good evening ms.Y/L/N"

I frowned . She is calling Niall by his name while she calls me by my last name .... she placed the tray of food on my lap .

Y/N : "do you mind if I asked you a question ???"

The nurse : "not at all"

Y/N : "you called Niall by his name while you called me by my last name , why is that ???"

The nurse : "I have been trying to call Niall by Mr.Horan for the past two weeks and every time he would tell me to call him by his name so that is what I am doing"

I nodded . She excused herself and went out .

Niall : "did you get jealous just because she called me Niall ???"

Y/N : "no I was just surprised"

He nodded . Okay maybe I was a little jealous . Maybe a lot ??? I groaned looking at the food . It was covered so it would be hot ....

Y/N : "I don't want to eat the hospital food"

Niall : "well you need to eat"

I sighed and opened the tray and found a sandwich and tea . Wait a minute that isn't hospital food . I frowned and turned to Niall . He was smirking already .

Y/N : "do you want to explain to me this ???"

Niall : "well I know that you hate the hospital food so I told the nurse to prepare this for you . She agreed only because I choose healthy food"

Y/N : "you did pay for anything ???"

Niall : "couple of pounds"

Y/N : "you shouldn't have done that . You know"

Niall : "I know but anything for you"

Y/N : "thank you"

He nodded . I then looked at Niall and said :

"Do you wanna have some ???"

Niall : "nah you need that"

Y/N : "sure ???"

He nodded his head . I nodded too and started eating . After I was done Niall placed the tray on table .....

Y/N : "I am tired so I am going to sleep"

Niall : "ok . You need rest anyways . Good night"

He kissed my forehead and closed the lights . He sat in the chair next to me and held my hand ......


I woke up but I was so tired to even open my eyes . I just laid there with my eyes closed .... I felt that my hand is empty and Niall's warm hand isn't in my hand . I then heard Niall say :

"I know you are asleep and that you aren't hearing me right now but I need to tell you this . I am sorry for all what I did . I am sorry for being the main reason you are here . Sorry for breaking my promises , sorry for cheating on you , sorry for not being the best boyfriend in the world , sorry for not giving you the love that you really deserve ...... I am leaving . I am not perfect for you .... you need to move on and be with someone who can love you the way I couldn't .... someone to treat you right .... I hope the best for you and your life ..... I love you"

At this moment I opened my eyes and sat upright . I couldn't just let him walk away like that . He was opening the door .

Y/N : "Niall"

He turned around . His eyes were full of tears ..... he looked at me and closed the door waiting for me to speak .

Y/N : "I listened to every word you said Niall . I can't believe thay you blame yourself for me being here . It was never your fault . Niall you know well that you are the one for me and that you are perfect for me . I don't want to be with someone else because I am sure that no one will ever give me the love you give me or will make me feel the way you make me feel . Niall I love you too"

I was now crying too . He ran to me and smashed his lips to mine ..... oh my god how much I missed this .......

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