Chapter 45

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Y/N's P.O.V :

While I was waiting for Niall to come back , a man about Niall's age came and sat next to me . I tried to ignore him and just play with Theo . Then the man said :

"Hey sexy"

I pretend not to hear him then he said :

"Are you here alone ???"

He sounded drunk but I answered him so he can leave me alone .

Y/N : "no . I am here with my boyfriend"

The man : "and where is he ??? Did he leave you and went to find some other girl or is this little boy your boyfriend"

He pointed to Theo and I said :

"He didn't leave me . He just went to bring us food . He should be back soon"

I heard Niall's voice from behind me and it made me , Theo and the man to turn to him .

Niall : "I am her boyfriend . May I help you ???"

Sassy Niall . Remind me to thank Louis for that . The man just laughed and turned around and walked away . Niall came and I helped him and carried the drinks while he carried the food .

Niall : "did he hurt you ???"

Y/N : "no"

Niall : "good . I would have beaten the shit out of him"

I smiled and kissed his check . Theo clapped his hands and we laughed . We went back to Greg and Denise . We ate and drank our things and after we were done . I took the back full of garbage and threw it in the dustbin . We then went back to the water and played and had fun . It was now 6 pm . We got out and dried ourselves and put on our clothes . We got in the car and Niall drove us home . We were tired . Niall unlocked the door and it was quit . I am sure Maura and Bobby weren't here . Anyways . We said our good nights and me and Niall went to his room . Niall locked the door behind him .

Niall : "you can go first princess"

I nodded and took my short and a Sweater from Niall . Niall smirked and I just rolled my eyes . I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower . And took off my clothes and got in the shower . After I was done . I dried my body and hair and put on the clothes and brushed my teeth . I went out and Niall looked up from his phone smiling at me . I smiled back and he got his clothes and got into the shower . I checked my phone and saw that my mom and my best friend texted me . I texted them back and soon Niall came out . He sat on the bed and I followed his actions . He then pulled me to him and I laid my head in his chest .

Niall : "I am proud of you"

I smiled and looked up at him and he looked down at me .

Niall : "know why ???"

I nodded and he just smiled wider . He was proud of me because of the whole bikini thing . Even though I don't think he needs to do all of this . But of course I appreciate everything he did . He is just cute when he is over protective or over proud or gives the things more attention than it needs .

Niall : "let's go out"

I nodded , and got up to change .

Niall : "you don't need to change"

Y/N : "but Niall-"

Niall : "it is fine . You are wearing a short and my sweater . It is totally fine"

I gave in and nodded . Niall smiled and got up and put on his trousers and a shirt .

Y/N : "but Niall if we are going to a fancy place or somewhere very public . I am killing you"

Niall laughed and said :

"Dont worry princess . Now come on"

I grabbed my phone and put on a sandal and followed him downstairs . It was now 7 pm . We got out and I took Niall's hand in mine and intertwined our fingers . He looked at our hands then at me and smiled then kissed my forehead . We walked to a near by park . No one was here . Of course who would be here at 7:15 pm . We sat on under a tree with me sitting in between Niall's legs . He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer . I laid my head on his chest and said :

"You know what Niall ???"

Niall : "what ???"

Y/N : "I never imagined that I would do something wild like what we did . You know making up a story and getting a full week off from school by just some made up story"

Niall laughed and said :

"It is just the Irish charm . You know ???"

I laughed and nodded . We sat in silence , no one saying is anything . Just enjoying each other presence . My head was still on Niall's Chest while his head was laid on mine . My hands were resting on his which were on my waist . I think 15 minutes passed and my eyes started closing but I fought back .

Niall's P.O.V :

We were sitting in silence . I felt like I want to kiss her . I looked down at her to find her eyes are closed . I smiled and carried her bridal style . And got up trying not to wake her up . I successfully did it . She must be tired . I started walking to the house . I opened the door with the key and closed it behind me . Mom and Dad weren't still back , those dirty old couples . I giggled to myslef as I walked upstairs to my room . I opened the door and shut it behind us . I laid her on the bed gently and took off her sandals and pulled her phone from her short pocket and put it on the beside table and charged for her . I then pulled down my trousers and took off my shirt . I closed the lights and went to the bathroom . I brushed my teeth and did my business then went out . I charged my phone and got under the covers . I pulled Y/N to me as I wrapped my arms around her waist .

Niall : "good night princess . I love you"

I kissed her check and started playing in her hair as my other hand was wrapped around her waist . I continued playing in her hair until I felt myself sleeping .

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