Chapter 91

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*two weeks later*

Y/N's P.O.V :

Niall had been acting weird for some unknown reasons . He would become all of sudden nervous if I told him to give me his phone so we can take some photos on his snapchat . He changed his phone password and he won't let me catch his phone and his phone is always silent . It is no more loud . Is he cheating on me again ??? I need to know what is happening now . I went out of the bathroom and went downstairs . He was in his phone and once he saw me , he locked it . I sat next to him and looked at him to find his eyes are full of tears .

Y/N : "oh my got Niall what is wrong ???"

Niall : "nothing babe , my eyes got teary because I was looking in the phone for long time"

Y/N : "Niall don't lie to me , there is something has been going on for those past two weeks"

Niall : "it is absolutely nothing"

I looked in his eyes .

Y/N : "Niall are you cheating on me ???"

He shook his head vigorously and then looked in my eyes and said :

"I can't cheat on you again , not after I lost you once . I am not welling to lose you again and this time I will lose two of my favourite persons in the world , you and Adam . I can never do this"

I looked in his eyes and I knew that he is telling the truth .

Y/N : "then what is it Niall ???"

He sighed and looked at the ground .

Y/N : "look Niall you know that I am always here for you and I am not going to push you , I understand if you don't want to talk about it but I don't think that if you love someone you will hide anything from them , especially when this person you love is your wife"

I kissed his check and got up . I walked to the bedroom and laid on the bed with my hand over my belly . About a minute later Niall came in ......

Niall : "you are right , I can never lie to my wife"

I smiled .

Y/N : "I am listening"

Niall : "so yeah for the bast two weeks , I have been getting hate from fans"

I frowned .

Y/N : "hate ??? What kind of hate ???"

Niall : "well a bunch of girls decided to get my number which I don't know how they did and they added me to a group chat . Since then they didn't even stop hating me and my family and even you and Adam . I couldn't sleep those days , they were keeping me up from what they were saying , I kept my phone silent so you wouldn't know also that is why I changed my password"

All I could do was get up and hug the poor lad as he cried in my shoulders and held me tight .

Y/N : "why didn't you tell me Niall ???"

Niall : "I didn't want to bother you"

Y/N : "Niall you know that you can never bother me . Who knows about this too ???"

Niall : "I didn't tell anyone"

Y/N : "not even your family ???"

He shook his head .

Y/N : "can I see the massages ???"

He nodded and took out his phone . He gave it to me and it was locked . I raised my eyebrow and he told me his password . I smiled and went to the whatsapp . I read the massages and saw how rude are those fans . I hand Niall back his phone .

Y/N : "did you call the police ???"

He nodded .

Y/N : "okay just leave this to me"

Niall : "what are you doing ???"

I smirked and got up .

Niall : "don't get yourself in a trouble"

Y/N : "I won't"

*couple of hours later*

Now it was 7 pm and Niall was sleeping . I went down to the living room and took out my phone , I know who excatly can help me in this . I dialled his number . After few rings he picked up .

Louis : "hi Y/N"

Y/N : "hi Louis"

Louis : "what's up ???"

Y/N : "I need to talk to you . Are you free ???"

Louis : "sure love . What is wrong ???"

Y/N : "some girls got Niall's number and they added him to a group chat and they didn't stop sending him hate about him , me and his family for the past two weeks"

Louis : "that sounds horrible . Why didn't he tell us ???"

Y/N : "he said that he didn't want to bother anyone"

Louis : "that lad . Anyways just add me to this group chat and I will let them regret the day they decided to send him hate"

I smiled .

Y/N : "that was what exactly I was going to tell you to do"

Louis : "no problem I got this"

Y/N : "but Louis don't tell anyone about this . It is a secret"

Louis : "okay cool . Bye"

Y/N : "bye"

I hung up and did a little dance move in my place then walked upstairs slowly and went to our room . I got his phone and slowly unlocked it and added Louis to the group chat . I locked his phone and placed it on it's earlier place . I climed on bed and got under the covers and slept . Now just let Louis press on his sass bottum and slay them all .


I woke up the next morning , me and Niall ate breakfast . Niall soon saw what I did last night and he was mad at first but I managed to convince him that this was the only way to stop the hate and yeah the hate stopped since yesterday evening . I guess Louis sassy-ed them so hard that they didn't dare to do anything else . The boys and girls came over tonight and me and Niall thanked Louis for what he did . Seriously I don't know what would have we done without the sass master from Doncaster ...... for the rest of the night we laughed and talked ..... I was glad to see Niall laughing and smiling again like before .......

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