chapter 10

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Y/N's P.O.V :

I woke up and took a shower and brushed my teeth then went to get ready I wore my blue skinny jeans and white long sleeve top and a blue scarf around my neck since today was going to be cold day and my white converse . after I got ready I went down to take my breakfast then went to bring my bag and phone . I opened the front door and found a surprise . My boy was sitting in his car .

Niall's P.O.V :

today I wanted to take Y/N to the school so I wore my black skinny jeans and white t-shirt and my black jaket I drove to her house and waited for her to come out . after about 15 minutes I heard the front door opened I turned and found my princess standing there shocked but happy at the same time . I went out of the car and I hugged her tight she said :

"Good morning Niall"

Niall : "Good morning princess"

our lips met in a morning sweet kiss , she pulled away and smiled . we went to my car and I started the car . she took out her phone and about after 2 minutes I saw her smiling big while looking in her phone . I wanted to know why is she smiling so I asked her :

"what is there ???"

she looked at me and smiled :

"Harry's tweet"

my mind immediately went to yesterday when he took her home and I said :

"what did he tweet ???"

she read out from her phone :

@NiallOfficial @/ur/twitter/name the happy family . hope you will be happy forever together .

and the picture that Harry took it with you , me & Theo

I smiled and hugged her with one hand and the other on the driving wheel . we arrived school I hugged her and she went down . I saw her and her best friend talking then I looked to my phone to see Harry's tweet . I found it . i fav(d) and rt(d) then I turned back to see Y/N and found that Y/B/F/N isn't there and there is a boy catching Y/N by the collar I dropped my phone and opened the door and ran to her .

Your P.O.V :

after I went down of Niall's car I went to the place where me and Y/B/F/N always meet I found her . we hugged then talked about random things then the English teacher came and said that she needed her for something . she went and I sat under the tree and waited for her . while I was sitting I saw a shadow of someone in front of me I looked up and found him . Jorsh . he pulled me by the collar and started shouting to me :

"why did you do this to me , you know that I love you , why did you take him but not me whyyy , he doesn't deserve you"

the next thing I know was that I was pulled away by strong hands and pulled me closer to him I recognized him by his scent .

he was NIALL

he started shouting at him till Jorsh went running . Niall lifted my face up and said :

"are you okay ???"

I just nodd then he wiped my tears and pulled me again to him I put my head to his chest , he was rubbing my back , people were walking around like nothing happened soon Y/B/F/N came running , she looked worried . she asked Niall :

"Niall what happened ???"

Niall : "that boy was about to hit her"

he pointed at Jorsh , Y/B/B/N then let out a long sign and said :

"offfff Jorsh again"

I was crying in Niall's chest I didn't want to enter the school alone . then Niall said :

"Again ??? what do you mean ???"

confused was clear in his tone . Y/B/F/N was about to speak when the bell rang . I lifted my head and saw Jorsh looking at me and giving me an evil smile and walked towards the school building . I threw my head again to Niall's chest . he gave me a kiss on my hair and said :

"Don't worry me and Y/B/F/N are always here for you , right Y/B/F/N ???"

he looked towards her and she said :

"sure , always"

she then came and hugged me . then she pulled away I was going to walk when Niall stopped me . he cupped my face and leaned in and we had a passionate kiss . we smiled into the kiss then I pulled away and Y/B/F/N took my hand and we went towards the school building . we looked back and waved bye to Niall and he waved back .


Author's note : hey i am really sorry for the late update .
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