Chapter 44

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Y/N's P.O.V :

Niall : "let's go"

We laughed and Denise said :

"You guys didn't change . Are you going like this ???"

Greg and Niall looked at themselves and laughed . Then they run upstairs and we heard two doors shutting at the same time . Me and Denise laughed .

Y/N : "those boys"

Then me and Denise sat on the couch .

Denise : "how are you now ???"

I smiled and said :

"I am better thanks Denise again"

Denise : "no need to thank me"

She then hugged me and I hugged her back . We talked a little then the boys came down running . We all laughed and stood up . We walked to the door and got in Niall's car . Niall got in the driver's seat . I opened the back seat door so I can go in and sit beside Denise and Theo and leave the passenger seat for Greg . But Greg said :

"Y/N where are you going ???"

Y/N : "um I will sit in the back"

Greg : "no way . You should sit beside your boyfriend and I will sit beside my wife and Theo"

I gave in and went to open the passenger's seat and got in , while Greg got in the back seat . I buckled the seat belt and Niall started the car then him and Greg shouted :

"To the beach"

Then we all laughed . Niall opened the radio and we sang along some songs that was in the radio . It was fun . After some time , we arrived the beach . I think it was a private beach because only couple of people were there . We got out and started walking to the beach . Denise and Greg took Theo and were walking a head from us . Niall warped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear :

"I came to a private beach so you wouldn't be bothered by fans"

I smiled and said :

"Thanks babe"

He kissed my neck and I closed my eyes trying not to moan then he said :

"And by the way . I don't want you to be shy or insecure . Your body is so beautiful"

I was shocked that he knew I was being shy and insecure . I then said :

"How did you know Niall ???"

Niall : "I can know when you are feeling down , sad or shy . I can read you easily"

I didn't know what to say so I just nodded then Niall said again :

"So I know that you are feeling shy and insecure but I am telling you there is no need for all this feelings . You would be a perfect model"

I was so happy by his words . I am so lucky to have him . I stopped and turned around . I pulled him and crashed my lips on his . He was surprised at first but then he kissed back . I smiled through the kiss which made him smile too . After a minute he pulled back .

Y/N : "thank you so much Niall"

Niall : "I am always here for you"

Y/N : "we should probably go to find Greg and Denise . We don't want them thinking that we ditched them"

Niall : "I would rather be here with you . Alone"

He kissed my lips and we started walking . He interviewed our fingers and it made me smile . Soon we saw them and went to them . They were changed into their swimming suits and were putting sunblock . Me and Niall spread out our towels on the sand and I put my bag and took out the sunblock . I put it on the towel and stood up to take off my short and the t-shirt . I put my hand on the hem of the shirt and hesitated but I kept repreating Niall's and Denise's words . Niall gave me a nod and a smile while Denise did the same . I took it off and then the short . Yes I did it . Niall's eyes lighted up and a huge smile was on his face . His eyes kept traveling up and down my body .

Greg : "let's go to the water"

Y/N : "you guys can go , I will just put the sunblock and come"

Denise and Greg nodded . They stood up taking Theo with them , leaving me and Niall alone . I started putting the sunblock . When Denise , Greg and Theo were in the water , Niall came and sat beside me and said :

"Fuck girl . You have this body and you are feeling insecure and shy ??? . If I was a girl and I had a body like yours , I would be so proud to have it"

I laughed and he said :

"Seriously . I am not joking"

Y/N : "thank you Niall . And I know that you were serious"

Niall : "good that you knew I was being serious"

I gave him a kiss and then I said :

"We should go to the water now"

Niall : "let's go sexy"

Niall's P.O.V :

When she took off her shirt and short . I saw an amazing body . She is incredibly hot and sexy . I just don't get why she is feeling this horrible feelings about her body . Many girls would just imagine having a body like hers . I just need to show her that her body is amazing and she shouldn't feel the way she feels about her body . I was pulled out of my thoughts when my foot touched the water . Y/N ran to Denise and Greg . Theo was playing on the shore . I went to them and we starting goofing around . After some time . We were tired . We got out from the water and took a break from swimming . After we were calmed down Theo said :

"I will build a sandcastle"

Niall : "I will help you"

I sat in front of him and we started building it . Y/N and Denise were tanning . While Greg was on his phone . After me and Theo finished building the sandcastle . I took a picture of it and post it on instagram with the caption :

"A perfect sandcastle made by me and Theo"

It was now 5 pm . I was hungry .

Niall : "guys . I am going to bring us something to eat"

They nodded and then Y/N stood up and said :

"Niall . I am coming with you"

I nodded and Theo ran to me .

Niall : "guys , we are taking Theo with us . Have fun you two alone"

I winked at them and the rolled their eyes while Y/N laughed . I cought Theo's right hand and Y/N caught his left hand and we would swing him in the air every once in a while . Finally we reached the snacks bars .

Niall : "Y/N it is sunny here . If you want to go and stand under that tree and I will bring the food and come to you"

Y/N : "yeah okay . Plus Theo sat today under the sun the whole time , we don't want him to get sun stroke"

I nodded . I watched as Y/N and Theo sat under the tree . Y/N was making funny faces , making Theo burst in fist of laughter . I smiled to myself . I then turned and focused on the two people in front of me . After a minute it was my turn . I ordered . 5 hotdogs and 4 Coca-Cola and 1 orange juice . I waited for the order and soon I took the food and drinks . I turned around to find a man sitting next to Y/N telling her something .

*********************************** Author's note : hey . Vote . Comment . Share . Follow .

1243 words ☺

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