Chapter 78

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Niall's P.O.V :

Me , Sophia and Liam were sitting on the hospital chairs while Harry and Louis were standing next to us . I was crying . This is all my fault .

Liam : "Niall it is not your fault , don't blame yourself for something you didn't do"

Niall : "it is my fault . If I hadn't been a jerk and cheated on her nothing of this could have happen . We could have been together and cuddling while watching a movie instead of being here"

Sophia : "still , you cant just blame yourself . She will be fine"

No matter how much they are trying to comfort me , I will not be comfortable . The only time I will be comfortable is when Y/N wakes up and we fix things and she is back in my arms ...... That is my comfort ... I was pulled out of my thoughts when The doctor came back out of her room and said :

"You can see her now"

He smiled and walked away .

Harry : "go ahead mate . You first"

To be honest I was afraid of going inside . I was afraid of seeing her on the hospital bed , several wires attached to her lifeless body . Looking so pale . I was afraid of seeing that .....

Niall : "can you guys come with me . I am scared"

They nodded . I know that I Sound like a small kid on his first day of school . All afraid and shy and not knowing what to expect ........ We entered the room and Some tears fell out of my eyes when I saw her , excatly as I expected , wires , lifeless body , hospital bed . We sat around her on the chairs . The only sounds were heard were :

The heart monitor machine .


The crying and sniffing .

We were all crying by now . The thought of not knowing when she will wake up was killing me .

*two weeks later*

Those two weeks weren't good . The boys went to the management and told them that we need to stop the tour for at least a month . The management agreed , something I am still trying to understand till now ..... I was so happy when the boys told me the news ...... I haven't gone anywhere those two weeks . I would stay at the hospital room with Y/N . Crying , holding her hands , telling her how sorry I am and sometimes I would even play my guitar and sing some of her favourite songs . I would only leave the room when the heart monitor would start peeping . I would hurry to call a doctor and they would ask me to stay outside her room until they finish whatever they are doing and of course . I would cry . The boys , Sophia , Eleanor , Perrie , Y/N's mom and some of her friends would come and visit her from time to time and of course I would leave the room to give them some privacy . I would go to the bathroom or to eat because when it is just me and Y/N in the room , I wasn't leaving the room . Even If I am hungry or wanted to go to the bathroom . I would wait till one of her visitors come then I would leave to eat or use the bathroom . I would sleep in the chair , holding Y/N's hand and some nights I wouldn't sleep . I want my princess back . It was now 11 in the morning . I was sitting on the chair next to Y/N's bed . I was holding her hand . I looked at her closed eyes and wished if they were opened . I missed looking in her beautiful brown eyes and getting lost in them ..... I miss her touch ..... I miss her lips .... her voice .... her walk .... The way she eats , dances , talks . To make a long story short . I miss everything she do ...... I missed her ..... I was crying by now . No maybe sobbing ??? Yeah . My tears were falling on our hands but I didn't mind because I was used to this . I then felt a hand moving against mine . I looked up and to find Y/N's eyes opened . I smiled and jumped off my place . I couldn't believe that my baby is finally awake . I could tell that her throat was dry because she was trying to talk but nothing came out . I poured some water in a glass then gave it to her . She drank it and then said :

"What happened ??? Where am I ???"

Oh my god . How much I missed her voice .

Niall : "you are in the hospital . You have been in a coma for 2 weeks"

She started panicking .

Y/N : "oh my god . Coma ??? Two weeks ??? Why ??? How ???"

I don't think panicking is good for someone who just woke up from a coma . I got up from my place and calmed her down ..

Niall : "calm down Y/N . Panicking isn't good"

She sighed and threw her head back on the pillow ....

Niall : "I will tell you everything but after I call the doctor . Okay ???"

She nodded . I went to call for the doctor . After a moment he can in .

The doctor : "good morning Ms.Y/L/N . Glad to see you awake . How do you feel ???"

Y/N : "well I feel a little dizzy with a slight headache"

The doctor : "that is perfectly fine to feel after a coma . We will do few tests okay ???"

She nodded . Actually This is the first time that the doctor allowed me to be in the room while he do the check ups on Y/N . Each time he would do so , he would send me out of the room . I was surprised but happy . After he did whatever tests he had to do , I asked him :

"When can she go home ???"

The doctor : "tomorrow morning"

Niall : "thank you"

The doctor : "welcome and have a nice day"

With that he went out of the room . Leaving me and Y/N alone . I can't believe that she will be home tomorrow morning .......

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