Chapter 89

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*two month later*

Y/N's P.O.V :

Today is my first appointment with the doctor . Me and Niall are going to see our baby today . Today is the day that we are going to find out the gender of the baby . I woke up early because I am so excited ... Our appointment is at 12 pm and right now it is 8 am . Niall is sleeping so I don't want to wake him up . Of course . I went to the bathroom and puked as usual . I hate the morning sickness . I was in the hallway bathroom so Niall won't hear me . The poor lad has been waking up everyday on the sound of my puking and I didn't want that to happen so I would puke in the hallway bathroom . After cleaning myself and changing into something comfy . I took my laptop and opened it . I opened Instagram then twitter then Facebook then I started playing some games . It was now 11 am . So I decided to make me and Niall breakfast then get ready . I shut down the laptop and got up and went to the kitchen . I started doing bakon and scrambled eggs . I put the toast in the toaster and prepared two cups of tea . When the breakfast was done . I took out a tray and put everything in it . I carried it slowly and carefully went up the stairs . When I was finally up I thanked god that I didn't trip . I went to our room and opened the door quietly and walked to my side of the bed . I placed the tray on my bedside table . Then turned to Niall and gave him a kiss on his check . He didn't move . I then kissed him on the lips . He smiled and opened his eyes .

Niall : "what a way to wake up to"

I hit his arm .

Y/N : "good morning Nialler"

Niall : "good morning Mrs.Horan"

Every once in a while he would call me by my new last name and to be honest I am still not used to be called by Mrs.Horan .

Y/N : "I made you breakfast"

Niall : "are you kidding me now ??? Didn't I tell you not to do anything ???"

Ever since the doctor told us that I am pregnant . Niall wouldn't let me to do anything at home . He even told the boys and girls to look after me when he is away or out . Just to make sure that I don't do anything . To be honest I like how he is overprotective and also the others but sometimes I get bored and I want to do something but they would stop me .

Y/N : "c'mon Niall . Calm down it wasn't a big deal"

Niall : "not a big deal ??? You know well how any wrong move or over work can effect you and the baby . Which I don't ever want to happen"

He shouted and to be honest I was sick of this . Each time he would scream in my face like he own me or something . All I am trying to do is help him . I don't want him to do all the cleaning and the house work and cooking . I want to help but I end up being shouted at .

Y/N : "I know well how to take care of me and the baby Niall . This is what I get for trying to help , being shouted at ???"

I shouted back and got off the bed and went out of the room . I went downstairs and sat on the couch . I was crying now .

Niall's P.O.V :

I know I shouldn't have shouted at her the way I did especially when she was trying to be nice and did me breakfast but I can't help it . I just can't . Each time she would do something I would get angry . Like automatically. I can't help myself even though I try to . I am just worry that something bad will happen to her or the baby . I am overprotective and I know it but I just can't help it . I sighed and got up from bed and took the tray that was on her bedside table and walked downstairs . I went to the living room and Y/N was crying . I sighed again and went to sit beside her . I placed the tray on the coffee table then pulled her to me and played in her hair while I said :

"I am sorry Y/N . I know that I shouldn't be shouting at you like this but I am stressed out because of so many things about you and the baby . I am sorry again and I promise that I will try my best to control my anger"

I reached forward and gave her the cup of tea .

Niall : "here . Let's eat breakfast . Thanks for doing it . I love you"


So now we were at the hospital waiting for our turn . The nurse came out and sid :

"Mrs.Horan it is your turn"

We stood up and we intertwined our hands as we walked to the doctor . We were nervous but excited . We went in .

The doctor : "hi guys . How are you ???"

Niall : "we are good thanks"

The doctor : "so would you please lay on the bed here ???"

He pointed to Y/N then to the bed . She nodded and got on it . She moved her shirt so her stomach wasn't covered . I could see that she was blushing . So cute . The doctor added some blue gel on her stomach and then started moving the transducer around her stomach . I was holding her hand .

The doctor : "so as you can see here . This is your baby"

Niall : "can we know the gender ???"

I was so happy seeing our baby . Y/N was smiling so much . I squeezed her hand as she looked at me and smiled back .

The doctor : "let me see"

He moved the transducer around .

The doctor : "as you can see this is the male sex area . Congrats you are having a baby boy"

He pointed on the screen and the moment he said that the baby is a boy I couldn't help but let the happy tears flow . Y/N also had tears in her eyes . The doctor then printed some ultrasound pictures of the baby and left us alone for a moment .

Y/N : "we are having a boy"

I nodded . Unable to talk .

Y/N : "now I have two boys to look after"

Niall : "hey"

We laughed as I helped her off the bed and clean the gel . WE ARE HAVING A BABY BOY .......

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