Chapter 69

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Y/N's P.O.V :

I picked up the bear and read the "I love you" that is written on teddy bear's t-shirt . I smiled and held it close to me , then picked up the letter and unfolded and started reading .

"Dear Y/N :

Happy Valentine's day babe . I love you so much . You are the best thing that happened to me and I never wanna loose you . Never . I will do anything to protect you . You are perfect to me . I hope you had a wonder day . I wish I could do more but unfortunately I couldn't . If it wasn't for the concert today then I would have taken you on another date . Anyways . I hope you enjoyed it and I hope that you loved the teddy bear ;) I love you babe <3

Your sexy boyfriend ;)

Tears were already in my eyes . I couldn't believe this . He is seriously an angel . I felt someone wrapping his arms around my waist and then whispered in my ear :

"Happy Valentine's day princess"

I smiled as I turned around and smashed my lips on his .

Niall's P.O.V :

After Y/N went to the bathroom . I ran to my car and opened the boot of the car and took out the teddy bear and the letter . I hope she doesn't come back before I do or everything will be ruined . I went back and thanked God that she wasn't there . I placed the teddy bear on the chair that I sat on earlier and placed the letter on the table in front of it . I then went inside the cafe and stood behind the glass windows waiting for her return . A minute after she walked out and went to our table . I watched her from the glass windows . A waiter came and placed his hand on my shoulder and said :

"She will love it mate . Don't worry"

I turned to him and smiled and said :

"Thanks lad and I hope"

I then went out and walled quietly to her . I could hear her crying already , I hope that is happy tears . I wrapped my arms around her waist and whispered in her ear :

"Happy Valentine's day princess"

She turned around and smiled then smashed her lips on mine . I kissed back and I immediately knew that those were happy tears . After a moment I pulled away .

Y/N : "Niall James Horan your the best boyfriend anyone could ask for . You are an angel sent from above and I love you"

Niall : "same goes to you"

I wiped her tears .

Niall : "are you up for a walk ???"

She nodded and I went inside to pay giving them a tip while Y/N grabbed her things . Me and Y/N linked arms as she held the teddy bear with the other hand along with her clutch which the letter was inside . We walked along the beach talking and laughing . Y/N then laid her head in my shoulder and I knew that she was either getting tired or sleepy or just wanted to cuddle . I then asked :

"Are you sleepy ???"

She just nodded and I kissed her hair .

Niall : "shall we go back to the hotel ???"

Y/N : "um I don't to go but I want to sleep"

Niall : "well what about we walk around for 10 minutes then we can go"

She nodded . We walked for 10 minutes then we went back to the car , I opened the door for her and closed it once she got in then I got in . She placed the teddy bear on her lap and I knew that this teddy will replace me .... I stated driving back to the hotel . We intertwined our hand . It was a quite drive . When I reached to the hotel , I parked the car then looked at Y/N and she was sleeping while laying her head on the teddy bear , hugging him with one hand while the other was intertwined with mine . I decided to take a photo and post it . So I took out my phone and took a picture of her , the teddy bear and our intertwined hands . I posted it on Instagram with the caption :

"Looks like someone has replaced me 💔😭😜🙈🐻🐻🐻🐻"

I tagged her and then contected the picture with twitter and Facebook . I locked my phone and untwinted my hands from hers and killed the engine then went down and went to her side and opened the door carefully and carried her bridal style as she was holding her clutch and teddy bear . I locked the car and went to the lobby then to the elevators . Soon I was opening our room door . After I got in , I closed it with my leg . I walked to the bed and laid her there . I took the teddy bear and the clutch out of her arms and placed then on the couch . I then took off her sandals , then walked over to my suitcase and pulled out one of my t-shirts . I walked over to Y/N and started taking off her dress and then changed her into my t-shirt . Don't worry she is wearing a bra and an underwear . I charged her phone and then I took off my suit and then charged our phones and turned off the lights then turned off the lamb on the bedside table and got on the bed , pulling Y/N close to me and covered us with the covers . I am happy that I made her happy today . This is the our first Valentine's day together and it is the best one I have ever had . Next month is our first anniversary ..... so I should see what I will do about it but for now all I need is some good sleep after this wonderful , unforgettable day . I kissed Y/N on her hair and whispered to her :

"Good night my lovely lady , I love you so much and for the last time today . Happy Valentine's day"

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I love you // Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now