Chapter 95

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*two months later*

Y/N's P.O.V :

I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the bathroom . I went out and went back to the bed ..... minutes later I felt like something broke and it was the moment I realised that my water broke . Seconds later I started screaming .......

Niall's P.O.V :

I was sleeping then suddenly I heard a loud scream from Y/N , I sat upright and looked at her and it knocked in my head that her water broke . Oh my god . I fast grabbed my phone and dialled 999 . After I hung up . I held her as she screamed and cried .

Niall : "take deep breaths"

Soon the ambulance came .....


We were now in the hospital . Y/N was inside and I was outside . Wandering in the hallway . I could hear Y/N screaming inside and it made me realise how much pain women go through during labour-ity ..... I thanked god that we men don't get pregnant ..... I was pulled out of my thoughts by the doctor coming out of the room .

The doctor : "Mr.Horan , Mrs.Horan needs you"

I nodded and went in . I went to her side and held her hand as the doctor kept telling her "push" and "take deep breaths" she held my hand so hard that she could discount it from my arm but honstly I didn't care ..... The doctor then said :

"I want you to take the deepest breath then push your hardest push"

And I knew that Adam will be here in a couple of seconds .

Niall : "cmon babe . Last push"

She did as the doctor told her and in a second we heard a crying sound and I was now dying of happiness . Y/N threw her head back and sighed .... The doctors took Adam to wash him and stuff . That left me and Y/N alone ....

Niall : "you did it baby"

Y/N : "we did it Niall ..... Thanks for sticking by my side through the whole pregnancy thing"

Niall : "no need to thank me baby"

I kissed her forehead . Even though she was sweating I didn't mind .... soon the doctor pushed Y/N's bed to another room where she and Adam will be staying at till after tomorrow ..... After arranging the room , me and Y/N were alone now but this time Adam was with us ..... I went over to his crib and picked him up . This was the feeling when I finally realised that I am a father now and that I have responsibility . Happy tears started filling my eyes .

Niall : "welcome Adam Ryan Horan to the world"

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Y/N saying :

"Niall I want to see Adam"

I nodded and walked over to Y/N and hand him to her . I stood by her side as she kissed his checked .... she looked up at me and sisd :

"That is our baby Niall"

Niall : "yes darling ..... that is our family"

I kissed her hair as she laid her head on my chest .

Y/N : "I am so tired . I will sleep"

Niall : "sure . You did a hard work today and you deserve some sleep"

I took Adam from her and carefully laid him in the hospital crib ..... I closed the curtains and sat in the chair in the room and watched the two sleeping beauties ..... My lovely wife Y/N and my little prince .....


I woke at 5 pm to the sound of Adam crying .... I carried him and starting wandering in the room ....

Niall : "hush baby .... mommy is sleeping"

Soon he fell asleep and I let out a breath I was holding . Now the hard part is on ..... taking care of a baby ..... After I laid him in the hospital crib . I sat in the chair and I opened my phone to find no texts . I decided to tell the world about Adam's birth today so I toon a picture of the hospital room with both Y/N and Adam's hospital beds in the picture .... I then posted it on every social media with the same caption :

"My life is now completed with Adam Ryan Horan coming to life 👶❤"

Of course I reserved a millions of congratulations from fans , friends and even some celebrates ..... The boys and gilrs started spamming our massage group that I had to get up and put Y/N's phone on silent so she or the baby won't wake up .... They were spamming me with congratulations and that they want to see Adam but I teased them by telling them that they will have to wait until they see him by their own eyes .... soon Y/N woke up and Adam too , they were both hungry and to be honest I was too . So I had the nurse prepare some milk for Adam and I went out to get me and Y/N something to eat ..... Y/N saw the massages on her phone and she laughed ......

Y/N : "I love it when you tease them"

I laughed too . Soon the boys and girls came ..... They started fighting about who would see and carry him first so I came up with the idea that I will carry him and they will gather around me to see him ..... They are stupid friends so I had to prevent my baby boy .....

Sophia : "oh my god . He is gorgeous"

Louis : "he got your skin colour Niall"

I nodded proudly .

Eleanor : "aww he has blonde hair just like his mom"

Harry : "well we know now that Niall will be jealous of his own son"

Niall : "why ???"

Liam : "because he got natural blonde hair and doesn't have to dye it"

They laughed as I glared at him . I know newborn babies doesn't have hair but you could see the tiny trades of hair on his head .... We all sat the night and laughed and played with Adam . I know he is a baby but anyways we had a fun day ..... It was hard as first but I can say that it was totally worth the pain and everything ......

************************************ Author's note : Vote . Comment . Share . Follow .

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