Chapter 59

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Y/N's P.O.V :

We reached the hotel .

Harry : "stay here . I will just call the body guards to help us"

I nodded . He went down and disappeared into the hotel . I turned and looked at the drunk people in front of me .

Eleanor : "I want s-sweets"

Y/N : "Harry went to bring them"

They cheered and I pulled my phone from my pocket and texted Harry :

"Harry don't forget the sweets . They want it "

I locked my phone and hoped that he would see it . My phone buzzed and I smiled and sighed in relief .

"I almost forgot about them till I saw your text . I will go and bring them now . Thanks for reminding me love xx -H"

I laughed because even if he's texting me he is putting the "xx" and the "-H" but I loved it still .

Niall : "what are you laughing at babe ???"

I looked up to see him raising his eyebrow .

Y/N : "nothing"

Niall came and sat next to me and looked into my phone . I locked it before he can see anything . I know there is nothing I am doing behind his back . But if he saw that I told Harry to bring the sweets then he will tell the others and they will freak out because they said the other day that they didn't like the hotel sweets that Harry was going to bring them . I know this is funny but they are drunk . They won't realise the taste .

Niall : "are you hiding s-something from m-me love ???"

I shook my head . Niall opened his mouth to speak but the limo door was opened and Harry got in . Thanks God . I looked at Harry to find him alone .

Y/N : "where are the body guards ???"

Harry : "we totally forgot that they were at the party"

My mouth was an "O" shape .

Y/N : "oops . So I guess we will have to deal with them ???"

He nodded .

Harry : "guys cmon let's get out of here"

Liam : "I don't want to go"

Harry sighed and took out something from his pocket . They were the sweets . He gave me some and I smiled at him .

Harry : "if you guys got out of here and you stayed out of trouble we will give you sweets"

All of them got up me and Harry got down and they followed us . We walked through the lobby and to the elevator . I was afraid because they can do something unexpected like screaming or something and then me and Harry would be embarrassed . Thankfully the elevator came and we got in . I pressed the 34 floor . When we arrived we got out and Harry put in hand in Liam's pocket and pulled his key card . He took Liam and Sophia and opened the door and let them go inside and gave them some sweets . They cheered and he closed the door . Then he walked over to Louis and Eleanor and did the same which was put his hand in Louis' pocket and took out the key card . He opened the door and got them both in then gave them some sweets . He did the same with Zayn and Perrie . Then he turned to me .

Harry : "are you going to do it yourself or should I do it ???"

I blushed . I can't do it . Screeching in his pocket means that maybe I will touch his area which will lead to him being horny and then you what is next .

Y/N : "no you do it"

Harry : "aww are you blushing ??? Anyway I will help you and do it myself"

I smiled at him .

Niall : "fast I need the bathroom"

We laughed and Harry put his hand in Niall's pocket and took out the key card and hand it to me . I opened the door and Niall ran to the bathroom . I stood behind the door as Harry stood in the hallway .

Y/N : "thanks Harry for helping me"

Harry : "anything for you"

He hugged me as I hugged him back .

Harry : "good night"

Y/N : "good night Harry"

He went to his room and I closed the door . I went to the bed and sat on it and put the phone on the bedside table . I soon heard a vomiting voice coming from the bathroom . I frowned and walked to the bathroom . I opens the door to find Niall vomiting . I went to him and rubbed his back . After about two minutes he was done . I helped him stand up and I flashed the toilet . Then helped him to walk to the sink . He washed his face and brushed his teeth . After that I helped him go to the bed . I laid him and took off his shoes .

Niall : "I need a shower"

Y/N : "you are tired Niall . Take one tomorrow"

He nodded . I guess he was so tired to argue . Also I think he was starting to sober up a little . I got in the other side of the bed . I guess I also needed a shower but I was to tired . We were both so sweaty but we were already tired so tomorrow we will have to take a shower . Hell we are so tired that we didn't even change out of our clothes . I got under the covers . I was about to sleep when I felt a pair of arms pulling . I smiled as I knew it was Niall . He pulled me to his chest . Maybe he was sobering up ??? Maybe . We didn't care about our sweaty bodies . We just wanted to be by each other and this made me happy .

Niall : "good night love"

Y/N : "good night Niall"

He kissed my forehead . I tried to forget what he said at the party and concentrate on sleeping and being with him . Well this was the last thing I was thinking about before I felt myself drift into a heavy , comforting sleep ........

***********************************Author's note : Vote . Comment . Share . Follow .


1004 words ☺

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