chapter 62

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Y/N's P.O.V :

After me and Sophia were out of the college . We went to Sophia's car . I expected her to drive to home but instead she started driving in the opposite direction.

Y/N : "um Sophia . You do realize that this is not the way to home right ???"

Sophia : "of course I do"

She said in a duhh tone .

Y/N : "then where are we going ???"

Sophia : "to the shopping mall"

I nodded . Soon we reached and she parked the car and we went out of the car . We got inside .

Sophia : "now we need to buy you a dress"

She pulled me to forever 21 . We went through the ranks and she literally picked up every dress she laid eyes on . I was laughed the while time . We went to the fitting room .

Sophia : "go and try them"

Y/N : "but Sophia I am not trying all of them"

Sophia : "well at least then try those"

She handed me about 5 dress and I nodded . Trying 5 dress is better than trying 100 dress . Right ??? . Anyway I kept on trying one by one and would show them to Sophia . We both agreed that the 4 dress weren't good . They are better on the hanger ...... There was just the one last dress ....

Y/N : "I don't want to try it . I bet it will be like the others"

Sophia : "you never know until you try"

She winked at me and I gave in . Closing the fitting room door . I take off the dress that I had on and put on the last one . It was a short dress , the top part was slicer and the bottom part was gold . It was shinning as the cloves were shinny (A/N : picture in the picture box) . I loved it . I opened the door and Sophia smiled wide .

Sophia : "this is the one"

I nodded .

Sophia : "Niall is gonna die"

I frowned . Niall ??? Isn't he and the boys coming back next week ??? Oh my god is he coming today ???

Y/N : "is he coming today ??? "

Sophia's eyes grew wide .

Sophia : "I mean um if he would have seen you in this he would literally die"

She laughed and I knew she was hiding something from me but what was it ??? .

Sophia : "now don't stand there. Get changed and let pay for it"

I nodded and went inside the room to change out of it . I put on back my normal clothes . We walked to the cashier . I was about to take out some money but was stopped by Sophia .

Sophia " "guess what ?? You aren't paying for this"

I opened my mouth to protest but she shushed me . I gave in and let her pay for it . We went out .

Sophia : "just to make things clear . You will not pay for anything today"

She pointed at me .

Y/N : "not even a pound ???"

Sophia : "not even a pence"

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