Chapter 36

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Niall's P.O.V :

After Y/N came down . She sat next to me , I pulled her closer to me and she rested her head on my chest after a minute she said :

"Niall aren't you going to call Liam ???"

Oops I forgot .

Niall : "good that you reminded me . I will now . Excuse me"

She nodded and I got up and went outside to the garden . I unlocked my phone and dialed Liam's number . After the second ring he picked up .

Liam : "finally Niall"

Niall : "woah . Calm down what is so important ???"

Liam : "well I have couple of things I need to tell you"

Niall : "I am listening"

Liam : "ok first Paul said that Four will be released on 17th of November and that day we will have a day in Orlando . You know to celebrate the release of the album"

Niall : "okay sounds good"

Liam : "the second thing is . What was that song you wrote called ???"
I frowned trying to remember the songs I wrote .

Niall : "um I wrote about 5 . which one do you mean ???"

Liam : "that one that starts with "A" and you did the Irish dance when you heard it"

As soon as he said "the Irish dance" I knew what is he talking about .

Niall : "do you mean act my age ???"

Liam : "yeah this one . I forgot it's name"

Niall : "it is okay . What is wrong with the song ???"

Liam : "Paul said that we need one more song on the album and we were so tired to write one so Harry suggested adding act my age to the album . What do you think ???"

I was happy they wanted to take it . Because when we were picking songs we didn't pick act my age and I was slightly sad but I was used to it . Now they want to take it . It is good . I was pulled out of my thoughts when Liam said :

"Niall are you there ???"

Niall : "um sorry Liam . Yeah it is okay . We can add it"

Liam : "okay thanks and I will see ya soon . Bye"

Niall : "see you soon . Bye"

I hung up and put the phone in my pocket and went to the living room to find all of them ready and they are talking . I went from behind Y/N and covered her eyes with my hand . She smiled and I then removed my hand from her eyes and sat next to her giving her a kiss on her check . She blushed .

Bobby : "awwww this is cute"

I smiled bigger and she blushed more . It was now 7:30 pm . Where can we go at this time ??? . We can go to the park here and then to the famous Irish restaurant downtown . I then said :

"Ready to go ???"

They nodded and we went out to my car . Now how are we going to fit in my car ??? .

Niall : "Dad can you drive ??? Mom can you sit in the passenger seat ??? I will take Y/N in my lap , Denise Wil take Theo on her lap and Greg beside her . Okay ???"

They nodded but not Y/N . She glared at me . I laughed . We all got inside . And dad started the car then he said :

"Everyone is comfortable"

We all nodded . He then said :

"Where shall we go now ???"

Niall : "I was thinking because it is a bit late we can go to the park near here then we can go to have dinner in that famous Irish restaurant"

Bobby : "yeah sounds good . Is it okay Y/N ???"

He asked looking in the view mirror .

Y/N : "yeah sure"

She smiled and he smiled back . I wrapped my arms around her waist as she laid back and put her head in the crook of my neck . Dad started the car . We made a small talk and I was happy to see that Y/N was getting along them . Soon we arrived at the park . Dad parked the car and we got out . It was almost empty . We walked and played with Theo . Then Theo wanted to go to the bathroom so Denise took him and Maura said she would also go . Bobby and Greg went to buy some snacks so that left me and Y/N all alone . We sat on a bench then I said :

"I can you are getting well with my family"

Y/N : "I am glad I am"

Y/N's P.O.V :

He started leaning in and as much as I wanted to kiss him . I wanted to play with him . I got up and started running . I looked back to find him running after me . I started running faster and soon I was slowing down . Suddenly I felt two arms around my waist , I jumped and screamed . Then I was pushed against what I guess is a trunk of a tree . Niall then said :

"I got you"

He then leaned in and crashed his lips on mine . His arms were around my waist and mine were around his neck . I kissed back and it was passionate . Then we heard someone clear his or her throat . We pulled away and looked towards the person to find Theo . Denise and Maura were walking towards us . I blushed and when they came to us Denise said :

"Sorry that Theo had to disturb your little moment"

I blushed even more . After one minute Greg and Bobby came and Bobby said :

"Why are you two blushing ???"

Two ??? Is Niall blushing ??? I looked up at Niall to find him looking at me . Yes he was blushing . Theo then said :

"They were k-kissing"

Bobby laughed along with the others .
Niall : "guys shut up"

They stopped laughing . We ate the snacks Bobby and Greg bought . Then we went to the car . We sat the same order . Then went to that Irish restaurant . Bobby parked the car and we got out . We then went in and Niall walked to the front desk .

Niall : "a table for seven please"

The waiter : "this way sir"

We followed her and she lead us to a table . We sat and she gave us the menus . She then went and we looked the menu . I then read "Irish stew" I then turned to Niall and said :

"Niall is the Irish stew any good ???"

Niall : "it is one of the traditional dishes in Ireland"

I nodded . Soon the same waiter came and said :

"Can we start by the drinks ???"

We nodded and said our orders . She went and soon she came back and gave them to us . Then took our food orders . Then again went and came back with the food . We started eating our food and having a conversation . After I was done , I excused myself and went to the bathroom . After I washed my hand and fixed my make up . I went out and sat . Then they took turnes going to the bathrooms . Then Niall paid and we went out .

Author's note : hey guys . See I promised you that I would update either today or tomorrow and here is an update .

1173 words

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