chapter 5

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Y/N's P.O.V :

we reached the park , Niall parked his car and then went out of the car running to the other side of the car , he opened for me the door then he took my hand in his and we walked to towards the park . While we were walking Niall stoped and looked at me then said :

"mmm do you know that this is a date ???"

I was shocked and I told him :

"did you say d-date ???"

he smiled and said :

"yes I did"

my reaction was the stupidest thing I even do it without knowing , I jumped towards him hugged him he didn't accept this so he fall back on the grass and I was on top of him , me & Niall brust into laughter and we didn't care about what people would think .

Niall's P.O.V :

after we fall and laugh I kissed her cheek , we got up and cleaned ourselves from the grass then I intertwined my fingers with her , she looked at me and smiled and I smiled back . Then I told her :

"do you want ice-cream ???"

she said :

"yes please"

we went to the ice-cream shop and bought our favorite ice-cream flavor which is chocolate . then we went to sit on a bench with the view of a nice lake , we watched the ducks and talked . when we finished the ice-creams I looked to her and started laughing she said :

"what's wrong ???"

Niall : "there is ice-cream on your face"

she touched her right corner lips and find nothing she said confused :

"where is it ???"

Niall : "here"

then I put my lips on her after I pulled  , the ice-cream was now gone from her lips . she blushed , we sat there for sometime then a breeze came , I saw Y/N shivering so I put an arm around her and pulled her closer to me she put her head on my shoulder we sat there silently enjoying the voices of birds , ducks and our heartbeats , I looked down at Y/N and found her smiling while watching the ducks .

Your P.O.V :

I were watching the ducks and smiling suddenly I felt Niall's thumb lifted my head up , he looked to me straight in the eyes I couldn't resist his wonderful blue eyes , slowly he started leaning in and my breath got heavy because it was going to be my first kiss , our lips touched and we had a passionate kiss , we pulled away then he smiled and pulled me closer after 1 min Niall's phone rang . he answered the phone after he finished he said :

"it is Harry , he was asking where am I because at 2 we should be having sound check for the show tonight"

I looked at my phone and saw it was already 1 pm so I told him :

"then you have 1 hour to start you must go now"

Niall :  "we must not only me , you also should come"

Y/N : "I can take a taxi , don't worry you go to your work"

he smiled and said :

"I am not going there without you , you will come with me to the stadium and during the show you will sit with my family and the other boys families , you are now a part of my family"

I smiled and nodded . we went back to the car hand in hand and then we went to my flat so I can get dressed fast then we went to the boys hotel and into Niall's room he changed fast and we went down again and went to the car , in the car I were feeling nervous because I am going to sit with the boys families . we finally reached the stadium .

Author note : so guys how is the story going , do u think it is getting good or boring ???
plz keep voting , commenting and liking :)

647 words ☺

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