Chapter 70

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Y/N's P.O.V :

I woke up the next morning . My eyes landed on the bear that was on the couch . I smiled remembering all the events that happened last night . I turned around to find Niall sleeping . I smiled as I got up slowly not wanting to wake him up . I looked down at what I was wearing and frowned . I don't remember changing in one of Niall's t-shirts yesterday ..... the last thing I remember was that I fell asleep in the car . Then everything clicked in . So Niall did change for me . Oh my god . I looked inside the t-shirts and found that I was wearing the same bra and underwear from yesterday . Phew . I let out a breath that I was holding . What could have happened if I wasn't wearing a bra . Oh my god I don't wanna even think about it . I know he is my boyfriend but I am still not ready . If you understand . I shook my head to shake off the thoughts . I went to my suitcase and pulled out a pair of clean underwear and bra then pulled out a pair of grey sweatpants and a white long sleeved shirt (A/N : picture bellow)

 I went to my suitcase and pulled out a pair of clean underwear and bra then pulled out a pair of grey sweatpants and a white long sleeved shirt (A/N : picture bellow)

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I was really lazy to pick up a good outfit . I went to the bathroom and took a shower and put on the clothes then went out and did threw my hair in a messy bun . I then wrote Niall a note that I am will be down eating breakfast . I put it on the bedside table beside him . I took my phone and the key card and put on my converse . I checked the time and it was 9 am . I went down and found Harry sitting alone . I walked over to him and said :

"Good morning Harry"

He looked up and said :

"Good morning Y/N . Have a seat"

I nodded and sat across him . We both then got up and went to bring out breakfast talking . There was no sign of the others . They must be sleeping . We then went back and ate our food . When we were done . We both got up and went to the elevators together then to our floor . We said our goodbyes as we got in our rooms . I closed the door and Niall was still sleeping . Aww he must be tried . I changed back in one of Niall's random shirts . I then sat on the bed and checked Twitter . I even saw that Niall posted a picture of me yesterday sleeping in the car . I laughed silently at the caption . I looked back at the bear and smiled . I then closed my phone and cuddled to Niall . I wrapped my arms around him as this was the last thing that I remembered ....... I felt someone shaking me I opened my eyes to find Niall .

Niall : "wake up babe . It is 3pm and we haven't still eaten breakfast"

I laughed as the poor boy thought that I didn't eat .

Niall : "why are you Iaughing ???"

Y/N : "because I already are breakfast"

Niall : "wait what ???"

Y/N : "I woke up at 9 and went down to eat breakfast"

Niall : "oh that is why I was wondering how the hell did you change out of the t-shirt that I changed you in yesterday while you were sleeping but why didn't you wake me ???"

We both laughed .

Y/M : "oh thanks for that by the way and I didn't wanna wan to wake you up is because you seemed tired and I wanted you to have rest after all is your day off"

He nodded and got up and went to the bathroom . While I sat on the bed . After some time he came out . He was shirtless . Damn Niall .

Niall : "so where are we going to eat ??? The restaurant closed breakfast of course"

I shurged .

Niall : "I want to have a lazy day . What do you say ???"

Y/N : "it is actually a good idea"

Niall : "then lets go down to have lunch at the restaurant then we can start our lazy day . Well it will be more of a lazy night"

We laughed as we put on anything that we found . Niall ended up being in shorts and an undershirt while I was in a short and one of Niall's shirts . We really didn't care about what we looked like . We went down and went to the hotel restaurant . We then started taking various food . Niall took extra since he didn't eat breakfast . We ate and talked . After we were done . We went back up and got in some comfortable clothes . Mine was the same shirt I wore earlier and Niall was shirtless . We cuddled on the bed as Niall started flipping through the tv channels . I looked at the time and it was 6:30 pm . It was staring to get dark outside . I closed the lights and left the lamps on each bedside table on .

Niall : "there is nothing to watch on the tv"

Y/N : "we can watch something on the laptop"

Niall : "yeah let's Netflix and Chill"

I laughed and nodded .

*3 hours later*

We watched a film and we were now in the middle of the other film . Someone then knocked on the door . Making Niall groan and me to laugh . We were cuddling and really chilling . Niall answered the door and Louis invited himself in the room .

Louis : "hi guys . Netflix and Chill I see ???"

We both nodded .

Louis : "ok cool . So me and the others are going out and we were wondering if you two wanted to come . You know we haven't hung out in 2 days"

Niall looked at me and I nodded .

Niall : "yeah ok . We are coming"

Louis : "YAY . we will wait for you down in the lobby . Don't take too much"

He winked and walked out closing the door behind him .

Niall : "I was comfortable"

Y/N : "me too . I guess our lazy night is ruined then ???"

Niall : "yeah but we must have a lot of Lazy nights or days more often"

I laughed and nodded . I got up and opened the light . I took out a skirt and a tanktop and put them on while Niall was in the bathroom changing . I did my hair and make up and then put on my vans . I took my phone and we both went out and then went to the lobby . There I found all of the squad . We said out hi's .

Y/N : "so where are we going ???"

Liam : "to the park then to the mall then to a restaurant"

It seems like a good night ......

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