Chapter 16

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Plz read the author's note at the end of the chapter


Y/N's P.O.V :

We arrived at the airport and the car stopped . Me and Niall walked up to the other lads and we got out of the van . sure enough there were paparazzi and fans , i really don't understand why do paps wake up at this time just to take pictures of celebrities and same thing for the fans like it's 4 in the morning

We went inside the airport and again fans where there . We went though the VIP gate where there is no fans and paps , just us 6 . It was 5 am and they should leave at 6 so we had a hour before saying our last goodbyes .We talked about everything and then Paul came and said :

"Guys it is time to go"

Did the hour just passed like 5 minutes or..... yup it does passed like 5 minutes and now the worst part


I hugged Liam , Zayn , Harry and Louis and now it was Niall's time .....

Niall's P.O.V :

Guess what time is it ???

Yup telling my princess goodbye

She hugged the boys and turned to me , i hugged her tight like I just didn't want her to go away but then I pulled and leaned in and we had a passionate kiss , i pulled away and gave her one last hug before she turned and waved at us and exit the room me and the boys waved at her and she did the same . My eyes were filled with tears and Liam patted on my shoulder to comfort me and I did a little . We exit the room and went to the plane as soon as we sat on the seats we all slept .

I selpt dreaming of Y/N .

Y/N's P.O.V :

I went out of the airport and found the cab Niall called earlier waiting me , I got in and opened my phone and sent Niall a massage :

"Save flight Niall , take care of yourself , I love you xx"

I locked my phone and started looking at the empty streets to kill time . soon I was home . I paid the cab and got out . I opened the door and went inside . sure enough mom was awake getting ready for work . I went to her and she hugged me and said :

"Sweetie I missed you"

Y/N : "I missed ya too"

I then went up to my room so I can get ready for school ........


Author'snote : heyooo

Thnx so much for the 1.31k

Guys can I have more votes plz

I know this chapter is short

Can u guys read my other book it is a liam Payne fanfiction .

Look at the picture in the photo box or what ever it is called and that is the way Niall was looking at u and crying

476 words ☺

I love you // Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now