chapter 17

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Y/N's P.O.V :

I went up to my room and got a quick refreshing shower because I was tired and sleepy and i didn't want to be absent from school today because I didn't want to skip the only class of the week that I share with Y/B/F/N which is Maths .

We hate Maths but it is funny because we laugh most of the time . after i finished taking shower I went to my wardrobe and put on a black skinny jeans and a pink long sleeved t-shirt and i started doing my hair when my phone rings signing their was a massage . I unlocked my phone and saw it was a massage from Y/B/F/N :

"Hey just was wondering If I can pass by you and we can go to school together :p"

To be honest I missed her so i agreed and sent her back :

"Sure :)"

I did my hair in a pony tail and but on my black converse and went down and took a fast breakfast which was an apple and i grabbed my phone from the charger and went down and as I was going to sit on the couch waiting for her , i heard a car horn peeping (A/N : I really don't know what u called but that is how I call it ✌✌✌)

I opened the front door and put the keys in my school bag and we out . as soon as i got in the car I was attacked by her hugging me , I hugged her back then she started squeezing me and I started trying to pull away then I laughed :

"stop I can't breath"

She laughed and let go of me and made a sad face while saying :

"Can't I hug my best friend who I haven't seen her this weekend ?!"

I laughed and said :

"Didn't you hear about the new law ??? which is no hugging me"

I stick my tongue out to her and again I was attacked by her hug . she Was also wearing a long sleeved t-shirt so i pretend to bite her shoulder but in reality I bite her sleeve and she jumped a little and screamed :


I hold my stomach from laughter and she gave me a death glare then she started the engine and started driving to school . I was happy because she came to take me to school because I was feeling tired as I didn't sleep that much last night . I was pulled out of my thoughts when Y/B/F/N faked screamed :

"Hey you . You should be careful with your boyfriend"

I thought she was talking serious so i frowned and said :

"Why ???"

She laughed at me getting worried and said :

"Becauuuuuuse he is takinggggg all of your time and he doesn't give you a chance to talk to your B E S T F R I E N D"

I sighed in relief and gave her a slap on her arm which she pretended to be hurting her and I said :

"You bitch made me worried"

She laughed and said :

"Oh my god your face OMG . You should of seen your face when I said that hahaha"

I screamed and said :

"stop and concentrate on driving"

She did what I told her and soon we were at school , she parked the car and we got out and went to the play ground and talked and laughed a little until the bell rang and each of us went to our separate classes .

I love you // Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now