First One Shot*

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Summary: Harry, a stranger to you, wants to buy the albums you've put on Facebook marketplace. Once he's in your apartment you wind up giving him more than your albums. 

Word Count: 3.5k words

Warning: NSFW, SMUT

This is the first one shot I ever wrote - enjoy!

You were moving out of state and needed to get rid of some stuff

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You were moving out of state and needed to get rid of some stuff. You posted some furniture and odds & ends on Facebook Marketplace and sifted through all the scammers and weird requests that came in the days to follow. There were a few with genuine questions and interest but for the most part you had no-shows or they'd just stop contact with you completely out of the blue.

That is until he showed up at the time he said he would and kept in contact with you throughout the entire process. You couldn't believe your luck! You waited for him in front of your condo when he messaged you saying he was just around the corner. You really needed to start selling your stuff or it'd all just be going to the thrift store for donation and you sure could use the money before you moved away.

Harry parked his car in front of your building and when you saw what looked like the description of the car he gave, you watched closely as the man climbed out and stood upright as he closed his door. He was quite attractive, you couldn't lie. He was tall and broad, with curly brown hair and tattoos covering an arm.

When he spotted you wearing your yellow linen dress (as you told him you'd be wearing) he smiled brightly with a row of healthy teeth and a deep dimple. The closer he got you could see his eyes and he really just was the whole package. But then when he spoke to you...

"Hi. I'm Harry." He held his hand out to you but all you could focus on was how handsome he was combined with a deep voice that was lined with a British accent.

You only reached out to shake his hand when he chuckled at the state you were in. His light laugh brought you back enough to remember to compose yourself.

"I'm sorry! I'm... uh. Well, it's this way! Follow me!"

You really needed to calm down. He was only here to pick up your collection of albums after all. It's not like you were inviting him up so he could fuck your brains out or anything. That kinda stuff only happens in the smut fics you read. Definitely not in real life.

You lead the way to the elevators and find yourself talking his ear off about your albums and how you also have a turn table and console that you'd like to get rid of. You laugh uncomfortably when he only hums in response.

"So, anyway. I don't know if you want to try out the albums. Ya know... like test them out on my turntable to make sure you're getting good quality vinyl. So, like, if something was scratched I could, ya know..."

You trailed off and didn't finish your sentence when you looked up at Harry and he was just grinning down at you.

Why was he looking at you like that? You'd probably been rambling and now he thought you were a complete ditz. Or he found you annoying.

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