The Unicorn | Part 2

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Unicorn: An individual who is willing to join an existing romantic relationship. Usually a bisexual female.

Summary: The night has arrived and things are going really well for all three of you until suddenly they're not.

Word Count: 10k+

Warning: 18+ only, smut, jealousy, angst, hurt feelings, daddy kink


When you left, Harry walked back inside his house feeling like a new man. He felt real. He felt strong and virile. He didn't know what had come over him being so direct with you. So rapacious. But it felt natural. It was like something about you brought it out of him.

It wasn't until he was sitting at the table with the boys eating dinner that any little inkling of guilt started to wash over him. It was then he realized he hadn't even thought about Kit since he started making dinner. He was conjuring up images in his mind of what you would look like on Saturday in various positions. Imagined the way your eyes would widen and then squeeze close when you orgasmed. Wondered how many he could coax out of you. He'd completely blocked out that his wife would be participating.

He would need to tame himself. See how Kit responded to seeing you and him together. If she enjoyed it he could loosen up a little but he was concerned about the way you two clicked. Your dynamic was very good, Harry thought, that he would have a hard time sharing you. Plus, he wasn't sure whether or not Kit would like to hear you calling him Daddy. And Harry really wanted to hear you call him Daddy again.

When his wife got home the twins were already in bed and Harry was in the master bedroom reading, "So how did it go?" She asked him as she plucked her heels off, placing her palm on their dresser to balance herself.

"It was good. Why don't you get ready for bed and then we can talk about everything that happened?"

Harry had decided he'd play down what had happened between you two. He'd be honest but he wouldn't divulge some of his innermost thoughts. The parts where he forgot all about his wife and how your soft and docile demeanor was refreshing and made him feel masculine and wide awake all of a sudden. No. He wouldn't share that much with her.

Kit turned off the ceiling light and turned on her lamp before climbing into bed with Harry, "So, tell me how it went."

"Yeah. It was good. She was very open. She said she wanted to join us on Saturday for sure."

Kit nodded, "And? Did you two kiss or anything?"

Harry's heart began to lob in his chest at the idea that he was going to tell his wife what he'd done with another woman. Kit seemed fine. She insisted she was but Harry still felt unease about how to handle this situation gracefully. Without anyone getting hurt.

"Yeah, we did. Brought her into the bedroom, here so the kids didn't see. Kissed her and then got her clothes off, fingered her," he inhaled softly and felt his cheeks glow and his chest burn. "That was it."

Kit grinned and slid in close to Harry, smoothing her palm under his shirt, "Yeah? I wish I could have seen it. Did she come?"

Harry puffed out a laugh of disbelief. Maybe he was fretting for nothing. Perhaps his guilt had been needless. Maybe Kit was right. Maybe this would be really good for them.

"Yes." He looked down at where his wife's hand was traveling.

"And did you come?"

"No. I kept all my clothes on when I was with her and then when she left I had to get dinner for the boys and I was with them until I finally got into bed a bit ago."

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