A Delicate Thing check-in*

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Summary: Y/n wants to know what's going on with her father and Harry doesn't want her to worry about it. But there's a big piece of news she wants to reveal when her worries are finally quelled.

Word Count: 3.8k words.

Warning: 18+ only, smut, talk of violence and murder, anxious feelings

It took a while for Y/n to get comfortable with the idea that she was no longer under the thumb of her father, William, and was now the Boss's girl

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It took a while for Y/n to get comfortable with the idea that she was no longer under the thumb of her father, William, and was now the Boss's girl. She was treated with respect everywhere she went, was pampered, cared for, and doted upon by Harry.

But as the months turned into a year, she began to understand how awful her life had been before Harry. Her father kept a close watch on her. Told her not to eat too much, to wear certain clothes, to become acquainted with important topics but to act as if she didn't understand, and worst of all was the way he enjoyed showing her off to his associates. She hated William.

"What are you thinking about," Harry pulled her into his lap one morning as he sat at the kitchen table and drank his tea.

"I was just... it's stupid. It's in the past."

"It's not stupid. Don't say that. Tell me what's on your mind."

She put her hands up to the lapel of his suit and sighed before beginning, "Thinking about William. How much I hate him. For everything he did to me. And now he's bragging about how his daughter is the Boss's girl... as if he had anything to do with it."

Harry hummed and had his palm spread out over her thigh, the silk material of her nighty smooth under his hand, "Is he now? I think it's time for me to give him a lesson once and for all. But only if you want me to. I don't want to do anything that will have you upset."

"What will you do?"

"Hmm..." Harry pursed his lips to the side for a moment, "What would you like? Demotion? Public reprimand?"

Shaking her head she kept her eyes on her lover, "Something worse."

Nodding his head he spoke again, "Have someone break his arms? Cut him off from the family?"

"Maybe that. Cutting him off. I think that would be the worst for him. And I wouldn't need to see him again."

"Your wish is my command, my love."


Harry didn't like to spend time away from his girl. Before she came along he'd take trips for work and never think a second thought about being away from some chick he might have been seeing. But with Y/n, she was his everything. So he started having her come with him if the trip wasn't going to be too dangerous. Even if it was only for one night. He didn't like not having her in his bed at the end of a long day.

And now he was currently away for work and had brought Y/n along with him. They traveled with his underboss, Brad, to visit an associate to come to some kind of agreement. Y/n wasn't sure of the details, she just knew she'd be staying at the large mansion during the day with security outside while Harry, his underboss, and the associate were meeting somewhere unknown.

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