Threesome | fratboy!harry*

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Summary: Harry's hot but he's nice and he's into you tonight.

Warning: Smut, threesome (light)

Word Count: 3.3k

Harry was the guy everyone wanted to be or wanted to be with

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Harry was the guy everyone wanted to be or wanted to be with. He was the hot guy that knew he was hot. On campus, all the girls talked about how big his dick was and how he never slept with anyone more than once. He just liked to fuck around.

And you figured if you could ever get the chance you'd take it. He was gorgeous, and despite his slutty ways, he was still nice to everyone. He wasn't a jerk, he just liked to sleep around. And what's so wrong with that anyway? He was a typical college guy just looking for fun.

At the end of the semester, there was a big party to end the year. All of your friends were there, including Harry. He was wearing black jeans with a button-up shirt, barely buttoned, to showcase his tattoos. Harry's body was quite insane. He was an athlete, and his frame was evidence of it. Most people had seen Harry's upper torso on display. Lean and chiseled but not too lean. Tattoos, smooth skin, and a tiny bit of hair on his chest. A belly button that looked like a perfect spot to stick a tongue. But of course, you'd never act on it. You were acquaintances with him. Not super close but he always acted like you were his good buddy. Though he acted that way with everyone. So everyone just really liked Harry.

You and your friend Heidi were ogling him. Everyone was. Harry was just too good-looking. And funny. And charming. He literally had his pick on any given night.

So when he started flirting with you out of the blue, and whispering compliments in your ear you felt your nerves peak. He was hardcore trying to hook up with you and you were not going to say no, you just hadn't expected it. Having Harry's attention on you was like, some kind of special once-in-a-lifetime gift that you were so grateful to receive.

And the way he approached you was just typical charming Harry.

"Hey, Y/n! Wow, it's great to see you! You look amazing. Was wondering if you would be here tonight," his eyes on yours as if you were the only person in existence.

The first thing was that he remembered your name. Even though you two had spoken before and he could recognize your face, it always astonished you that he was so good at remembering your name. And it wasn't just you. He remembered everyone's name.

The second thing was the subtle compliment and the idea that he was thinking of you and wondering if you'd be there. Even if it was just a tactic he used to make you feel special, well, it worked. You were a goner.

So he stayed by your side, making conversation, touching your hair, your arm, your hand, and low back. When he began leaning down to speak into your ear you realized what he was doing. Especially when his nose hit your ear and then his breath was felt on your neck.

"Let's go back to yours. S'kind of obnoxious here. You live close by, right?" Harry asked you when he brushed his mouth on your neck. Your head was spinning. You didn't know how it had happened, but it did. And he knew what he was doing was working when you did nothing but lean into him and nod and giggle the whole night.

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