Sex Tutor II

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Summary: It feels like you and Harry are looking for different things. You aren't cut out for casual and Harry doesn't have time to focus on a relationship. But feelings are complicated and Harry doesn't even know what he wants until he realizes he can't stop thinking about you.

A/N: Final Part!

Word Count: 13.375

Warning: smut, angst, fluff, praise kink, size kink (kind of)

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It was another round of disappointment with Gunther after the 2nd time. Not only because he was so unenthusiastic and he wouldn't return the favor (still), but because you really couldn't stop thinking about Harry. About how good it had been with him.

As you were going down on Gunther you kept sucking him in and it just didn't feel the same. He smelled different, and not necessarily bad but it wasn't as pleasant as it could have been. He'd definitely sprayed some kind of cologne on and you could taste the bitterness of it on your tongue. And he was kind of rough with you. Pressed the back of your head down and grunted once or twice. You even attempted to run your finger over the spot Harry showed you and he got all squicked out by it thinking you were trying to put it in his butthole. And that reaction had totally ruined the moment for you.

Just like the first time, you left his dorm and walked back to yours alone in the dark with nothing but your thoughts and a touch of disgust. You considered reaching out to Harry. He did mention to you that you could call him anytime. And you were left fully unsatisfied by Gunther. There was no part of you that didn't believe Harry could satisfy you every which way.

You figured you'd call it quits with Gunther after that and maybe you'd contact Harry again. But to your surprise, he contacted you first.

H: How did it go with Gunther?

You were working on a paper at your desk when you saw his message. Of course, you stopped everything to respond.

Not great. He did cum, though. So I guess that's good! lol

H: Did you also cum?

You swallowed and bit your lip as you felt your cheeks heat up at that question.


It took a bit for him to respond. You weren't sure if he was in the middle of something or if he didn't have anything more to say, or maybe it was that he was thinking of how to word his response. And by then you had a hard time getting back into working on your paper so you called it quits for the day and decided to shower.

You kept wondering what was on Harry's mind. Wondered if you should follow up with him. Ask him to see you again. And when you got out of your shower you had planned out a whole message to type out to him. You'd ask him for another lesson and see if he had any time. You'd be kind of putting yourself out there but Harry had been so nice and it was so good with him you hadn't stopped thinking about that night.

But there was already a message from Harry waiting for you when you picked up your phone.

H: I think you should come over again. You didn't get what you needed from him and I'll happily make up for it. Show you what it's supposed to be like.

You laid your phone down on your sink counter and grinned, your heart thumping wildly in your chest. Because yes! Yes, you'd go to his and let him take care of you. God, you'd love to give him another blow job too.

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