Gonna Make You Mine* (mafia harry)

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Summary: Your boyfriend is involved in illegal dealings and Harry's his boss. Harry wants to make you his and your boyfriend owes Harry big time, so a proposal is made that involves you, Harry, and your boyfriend (not a threesome).

Word Count: 6k words

Warning: This might not be everyone's cup of tea so read at your own discretion!  Smut (obviously), exhibitionism, cheating, cursing, slight violence and mentions of violence, forced voyeurism, unprotected sex, cream pie, mention of illegal dealings, 18+ only, NSFW

Warning: This might not be everyone's cup of tea so read at your own discretion!  Smut (obviously), exhibitionism, cheating, cursing, slight violence and mentions of violence, forced voyeurism, unprotected sex, cream pie, mention of illegal dealin...

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"Come on. You know you want it. Your pussy boyfriend isn't treating you right. I'd worship the ground you walk on. Fuck, I already worship you and you haven't even given me the time of day." Harry's speaking quietly into your ear with a hand holding onto the back of your arm to keep you from walking away from him like you normally do when he starts this up.

"Just imagine how good I'm gonna treat you when I make you mine. Hmm? I already treat you better than fuck face over there." His other hand has come up to your waist. Harry's standing behind you and if anyone were to see you two from the front they wouldn't know he's pressed into your back and holding your arm and waist. It just looks like he's leaning over to talk to you.

"Stop, Harry. Jake is right there. He's gonna freak out if he sees how close you're standing when he walks over here. I don't want a repeat of..."

Your words are cut off at Harry's deep voice interrupting you, "What the fuck is he gonna do to me huh? He fucking works for me. He's my bitch. And if he even dreams of doing anything to you in retaliation I'll kill him. Why do you care so much anyway? Hmm? I know you want me. I see how you look at me, how you watch my mouth when I talk, how you never pull away from me when I touch you. Like right now. I'm pressed right up against your ass and your pressing yourself right back into me. You fucking like this."

You gulp down your saliva and take a deep breath. The truth was you did like it. Harry really did it for you. He was attractive to you in every way that mattered, in your opinion. He was physically an absolute god. He was also extremely intelligent and aware. And to top it off, rich and powerful. And in the year you've known him (as long as you've been dating Jake), he's been very forward with the way he felt for you. At first it was just him making crude comments about sex and what he could do to make you feel good, but then as you two got to know one another his comments and attitude toward you changed into something different, not as crude (still crude at times, though, as that was just Harry's norm). He began sending you gifts, he'd show up at your apartment when Jake was away and watch movies with you, make you dinner. Then he made it clear he wanted you. As his own girlfriend. He could be a little pushy but he never forced you to do anything.

You wanted to cave so many times but a part of you was very stubborn and you wanted to make it work with Jake (which is such a laugh now that you think about it). But you also really liked the attention from Harry at the same time (who wouldn't?). Jake wasn't a bad boyfriend the first six months. He was all the things you really wanted. But then he started spending a lot of time away "working". And when you found him in a lie two months ago and you threatened to break up with him he begged and apologized and you decided to give him another shot. But Harry has also been telling you for months that Jake was cheating. You didn't believe him at first because Harry really wanted to get with you for such a long time that you sort of just dismissed it thinking he was just saying that to get you to change your mind. But now? You didn't know what was holding you back. Another of Jake's associates told you he was cheating too and even though you didn't have tangible proof, you wanted out. You wanted Harry.

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