The Long Weekend*

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Summary: You and Harry have some things to work out because you hate each other but all of your friends are rooting for you (all except Harry's girlfriend of course)

Warning: Smut, 18+ only, NSFW, a broken heart, loud sex that can be heard by all

A/N: This one is an easy read, not a ton of angst and it's super predictable but wanted to give you guys something for the weekend! Hope you enjoy! 9.8k words

He always seemed to ignore you whenever you'd come around

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He always seemed to ignore you whenever you'd come around. You'd tell a story or be talking to someone but Harry would barely glance in your direction, and sometimes he'd just talk over you completely. As if he didn't realize you even existed.

It drove you nuts. You couldn't understand what you did to him to make him treat you this way.

When you first met Harry he was nice and treated you pretty much like he treated everyone else. But that changed fast. One day everything was normal and then the next time you saw him he was cold and dismissive toward you.

You never brought it up with any of your mutual friends. You didn't want to seem fazed by his behavior and the truth was you just didn't want to risk having someone tell him about your concern. You didn't want him to think he'd gotten under your skin.

Today was no different. All of your friends met up at Dan's which was where you'd start off the road trip to his family's lake house. You'd been once before and knew it was a cute house with four bedrooms (there were 8 of you so, it was 2 to a room. All the couples would be staying together and then there were the two single people, you and Jenna who would share a room), 2 bathrooms, and a lovely outdoor area with a big yard and a dock with a boat right at the water's edge.

Dan and Arthur were already at the front of their house packing things into their large SUV for the trip. You parked along the street, and got out of your little hatchback and grabbed your bag and a folding chair. You waved at Arthur as you stepped into the grass and you were warmly greeted by him.

Everyone would be split into two vehicles. You were going to go with Dan and Arthur and Jenna and the two other couples would be in Adam's car. His girlfriend Patricia and then Harry and his girlfriend Natalia.

You were looking forward to a long weekend away. Monday was a holiday so everyone had the day off which meant you were all returning on Monday afternoon. Dan's house was near the woods where you could hike every morning if wanted and it was also right on the water where you could spend your afternoons relaxing with a book.

When the rest of the group arrived the only person missing was Natalia. Apparently she would be meeting everyone at the lake house tomorrow. And with this new development there was an unintentional shift in which car Harry was taking. He climbed into Dan's SUV casually and sat in the bench seat behind the driver's side and buckled himself in. You were already seated in the car scrolling through your phone when he climbed in next to you.

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