The Scientist & the Stripper check-in

1.4K 19 0

Summary: Harry Styles is your scientist neighbor who you've been fucking for a while.

Word Count: 1.4k words

Warning: FLUFF, some mentions of sexy time

Warning: FLUFF, some mentions of sexy time

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Harry was cute. He was quite shy in general but every time you got him in the bedroom he transformed into a man who knew what he wanted and he loved to give and he was good at it.

You'd been sharing your bed with Harry (and Harry'd been sharing his bed with you) for a couple of months now. It was nice to have someone to sleep next to, have sex with, and talk to. There were some days when Harry was gone all day and then by the time he'd return to his apartment (you could always hear him coming and going) you'd be stepping out for work.

Your schedules were opposite, which was normal for you. Most people worked during the daylight, while you worked during the twilight. But you'd gotten used to your schedule. And you didn't work five days a week like many you knew. Usually only on the weekends and one or two nights during the regular week. It was nice in all honesty. It wasn't what you'd planned for yourself when you got into stripping, but the money you brought in was nothing sniff at.

You'd also tried to get Harry to come see you at work a few times but he always declined. One night after you'd both had sex he admitted to you that he'd be jealous watching you dance for other men. It was a bit of a turning point for you to have Harry admit that. Because it meant that he felt he had some kind of claim over you. Even though you both were technically just friends with benefits. Nothing was official.

But Harry was so different than anyone you'd ever dated. His work was always first for him. He was obsessed with it in such a way that you found him even more irresistible. He was ridiculously smart and sometimes the conversations you had with him turned into you just trying to keep up with him. He was shy, but he was a little bit possessive and could be the tiniest bit dominant in bed. He was passionate when he spoke about the things that interested him and he was just as passionate in the sheets.

He was the best lover you'd ever had. He was a bit odd at times, but he was very genuine and he loved eating your pussy. And really, what's not to love about that?

You watched Harry from his bed as he moved around his room. He slid his boxer briefs back on and picked up the clothes that were tossed to the floor. His hair was a mess of curls and he had light scratch marks on his back, all from you of course. He was so well built and broad with a cute ass and the best smile complete with dimples. You found him very attractive. It also didn't hurt that he had a big dick.

You sat up and yawned, "Are you in a hurry to get to the university?"

You'd had a nice morning quickie and you knew he needed to leave soon but he still took the time to give you two orgasms.

Harry pulled a sweater over his torso and turned to you as he put his glasses on his face, "Yeah. Running late already. You can stay if you want," he gave you a soft gaze and then his eyebrows shot up, "Hold on, I'll be right back."

He walked out of his bedroom and returned less than a minute later and held his palm out to you. You looked at the key that lie in his hand and reached for it, "What's this?" You asked.

Harry laughed as you took the key between your thumb and pointer finger and held it up, "It's a key. To my apartment. I trust you. Keep it."

Harry was so unbothered and unaware of the implications or the meaning behind this gesture. He had just casually given you the key to his apartment without a second thought and you sat in his bed dumbfounded by the idea. Should you give him your key? What would that mean?

Harry had left his room again and you could hear him gathering things and then when he reentered his room he moved into his bathroom in a rush and began brushing his teeth. You put the key on his bedside table and climbed out of his bed.

In the bathroom you stood behind him and looked up at him in the mirror as he brushed his teeth. He gave you a look of question.

"You just gave me your key Harry. Do you understand what that implies?" You asked him.

Harry's brows pinched together as he continued brushing and then once he spit he turned to you and looked down over your bare skin, you still hadn't put anything on. Harry put his hands at your hips and pulled you closer as he tilted his head, "I think you like to overthink things, but tell me what it means to you so I can understand."

You laughed and placed your hands at Harry's biceps, "It's kind of like the next step in a relationship. Most of the time. It means kind of a commitment of sorts. I know maybe you don't think of it like that. Like maybe to you it's just a practical thing given the circumstances but..."

Harry's expression was pensive. He was unsmiling as he moved his hands from your hips up to your waist before he spoke, "Well, I do really like you. And it was just purely for practical purposes but would it be so bad if that's what I wanted? A commitment? Like me and you?"

You rounded your eyes and searched his face. Did he mean he wanted to be more than just fuck buddies?

"I think... yeah... I like that idea," you bit your lip and paused before you continued, "you want to like start dating? Or?"

Harry's serious expression finally broke and he smiled at you, "Yeah. I would prefer you didn't see anyone else. Just me. Is that okay?"

You nodded and brought your hands up from his biceps to his shoulders and pulled at him so your lips could reach his.

Harry lowered his hands to your bare bottom and he pulled you in closer, slowly increasing the pressure of his hands as his lips softly kissed over yours. Harry was always so physical and expressive even being as shy and inexperienced as he was. But you felt like you were partly to thank for that, because you'd shown him what you liked and he really dove in head first with it. He never seemed embarrassed by the way he expressed himself with you, always sure and aware of himself in a way no man had ever been with you.

When Harry broke away from the kiss you could feel him hard in his pants, pressing into your thigh. The look on his face was that of conflict. It was clear he wanted to bring you back to his bed right then but he also had to go.

But then he smiled and looked down between your bodies, his clothed, yours not. He looked back up to you and put his hands onto your face, his palms cupping at your jaw on either side, "Okay. So, does that mean you want to be my girlfriend?"

You breathed out a laugh as you squeezed his shoulders, "I guess. I mean, we could just start off dating but if you want to jump right into being boyfriend and girlfriend that's okay. I like you, Harry."

Harry nodded, his dimples poking deep into his cheeks from the big grin on his face, "Yeah. Let's be boyfriend and girlfriend. But I do have to go now."

Before he left he dragged you back into his arms and kissed you for a few more minutes and then spoke against your mouth, "My girlfriend," with a smile.

The moment you were left alone in his apartment you squealed and jumped around like a lunatic. You didn't realize you'd be so happy to be able to call Harry your boyfriend. It felt so juvenile but you liked it. You liked the way you and Harry progressed and how he treated you.

And yeah, you liked that you were his girlfriend and he'd given you a key.


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