The Work Call*

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Summary: just a quick blurb about Harry ignoring you and you're feeling needy even though he's on a work call 

Word Count: 1.3k words

Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, spanking, 18+ only, NSFW

Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, spanking, 18+ only, NSFW

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Once again, Harry has been ignoring you. It started last night when you argued over something stupid and he didn't even thank you for making him dinner. Then he didn't fuck you after you begged him to. He barely even acknowledged you when he yawned and climbed into bed, turning to his side away from you.

You huffed and tried to get comfortable, making dramatic movements with your legs and arms to get his attention. But nothing.

Now, it's the following day and you've made him breakfast and walked the dog, and cleaned the dishes and he still hasn't said anything to you all morning. You're getting upset and angry with him.

You can hear him on a work call in his office. It sounds a little heated. You slowly pad your way to the door so you can listen in and you hear him sigh heavily. You suddenly have an idea to get his attention.

You slip your panties off under your dress and toss them into the hallway as you quietly enter his office. He sees you when you come in but then turns back to his desk and and responds to something that was said on the line.

You walk right next to him and lean your ass onto his desk and, facing him, you lift up your leg to put your heel against his arm rest, giving him a view of what's underneath your dress.

He furrows his brows and flits his eyes to your cunt, then up to your own eyes before looking back at his computer screen, "I know that. We've got the financial packet already loaded we just need to have it okayed but Tom thinks we need to rework the numbers. I'm not going to get into trouble by the auditors so Tom can have numbers that look good for him. No. Fuck that."

He sounds so angry and it's really turning you on. You have no idea what he's talking about but you know you've got his attention, at least a little when his eyes drag up your bare thighs and then back to your exposed cunt.

You reach your hand down and smooth your fingers up delicately over your skin and up your dress, pushing your fingers over your slit for a second and moan lowly.

You shift on his desk so you're really giving him a show and lean back a little, touching yourself lightly and you gasp your finger meets you clit.

"Oooh, that feels so good..." you groan and watch him as he blinks in rapid succession and then looks at you in warning.

You bite your lip and giggle but you don't stop what you're doing. Soon, enough you become wet and Harry notices how shiny you've gotten and he closes his eyes.

"Harry, please." You grab at his hand and pull it to your wet slit and he huffs a breath through his nose and clenches his jaw.

He doesn't pull away from your touch like you though he might. Instead, after a few minutes of you guiding his fingers through your folds he begins to work a finger into your entrance all on his own. He's still focused on his computer screen and you want all the focus on you.

"Fuck, right there, Harry." You say, and he removes his finger from you and shakes his head at you. You pout but then notice that he's hard under his pants so you decide to take this a little further.

You slip down from the desk and Harry watches you as you undo his pants and pull his hard and thick cock out of the front opening of his boxers. You spit over him and he lightly moans when you grasp him in your palm. "Like that, daddy?"

He's giving you a look in warning but he's suddenly standing up, making your hand fall away. He grasps onto your hips and turns you toward his desk, pushing you down so your face is smashed into the wood and the edge of a notbook.

"Hold on for a second, Jim. Gonna put you on mute." Harry clicks something on his computer and takes his earbuds out.

Without saying a word to you he hikes your dress up over your hips and swats your bum a good five or six times leaving a nice burn behind and it makes you moan.

Suddenly the tip of his cock is being tucked into your entrance until he's fully entered you. You have one hand holding yourself stead at the edge of the desk and your other hand is reaching for Harry behind you but he pushes your hand away as he begins thrusting into you at a healthy pace.

He picks his earbuds up and puts them back in before clicking on his computer, "I'm back. Sorry bout that."

Harry puts one hand at your hip and the other he covers your mouth with to keep you quiet, because you both know how loud you can be.

With his fast and deep strokes your eyes roll into the back of your head and you feel dizzy. It hurts to have him so deep and the way he's plowing into you from behind is causing an ache in between your thighs. But you know you can take it, he's not going at his as hard as he could, and that's probably more for his sake so he can continue his call without breathing too hard into the receiver.

"Uh... fuck. I think we'll go with that. I'll, uh..." Harry breathes as he works himself deep into you and he's trying to keep composed on the call but he's finding you feel really good around his cock, "... yes. Okay."

The slick sound of his stiff prick pounding into your puffy cunt is quite loud and you think that it could be possible that those on the line could hear this, along with the thud of his skin and balls as he rocks into you. Harry's breathing is also a little erratic and he's making tiny noises that could give him away.

You bring your free hand down to your clit and begin to rub. You've really needed an orgasm and you're going to make sure you have one today. Having Harry finally inside of you is a relief and you moan into his hand as your fingers are hitting your clit perfectly.

"We need to... talk to Tom..." Harry takes a second and clears his throat with a subtle moan as his thrusting becomes sloppy and a little shallow as he's trying to focus on getting the area around his frenulum the most attention so he can come.

You try to fuck yourself onto him, pushing back but he smacks you with the hand he had holding at your hip and it's loud in the room.

"Oh, sorry. Dropped a thing here..." Harry continues pounding into you and you start to feel your orgasm now. You close your eyes and moan out loudly, but it's muffled by Harry's big palm.

"Uh, hold on a sec, I gotta," Harry is quick to remove his ear buds and and click at his computer to mute any sound and drops the mouse with a crash next to your head as he begins to punch into you with abandon. He starts to moan and he drops his hand from your mouth as you both come together.

He releases into you and coughs out a groan with his head hung back and mouth open.

"Fuck, daddy! Thank you! Thank you! Yes!" you yelp into the room at each of his hard thrusts. You are both quivering and moaning messes but Harry doesn't give you time to recover before he's pulling out and sitting back down at his chair and getting back to the call. You push yourself up from his desk and wobble out of his office with a smile on your face.


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