The Unicorn | Part 1

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Part 1 of 3(maybe 4?)

Unicorn: An individual who is willing to join an existing romantic relationship. Usually a bisexual female.

Summary: You nanny for the Styles, but Harry and his wife would like to offer you another position. Based on Tumblr requests.

Word Count: 5.9k

Warning: 18+ only, smut (fingering)


"She's perfect, Harry." His wife watched out of the window as you walked to your car parked in front of their house.

"I don't know. She's taking care of the kids every day while we're at work. How does that make her perfect?"

"Because look at her! And she's so sweet and I just have a sense for these things. She acts all shy and innocent but I bet she's kinky under it all. And haven't you seen the way she looks at you?"

He had noticed your glances. The placement of your gaze over his frame. But Harry never thought too deeply about it. Not really. Though he kind of liked that you couldn't help from dropping your gaze to his lips and then down over his shoulders and mid-torso until every time you breezed your pupils over the natural protrusion at the front of his crotch you were suddenly quickly reminded of what you were doing and bounced your head back just the tiniest bit to correct your sight to the more appropriate height.

But just because you were cute and couldn't help when your eyes skimmed over his cock with the quickest peek didn't mean you were perfect to invite into the bedroom with him and his wife. He was hesitant to find a third. He knew that it was unlikely this would end well but his wife had been begging him for it.

Kit was bisexual and once she married Harry, she learned that she often missed the more feminine touches and pretty soft curves. Someone more submissive. It had been almost 8 years since she'd slept with a woman so when she offered a threesome to Harry, she thought he'd jump right at the opportunity but instead, he was worried.

"I think this is a bad idea no matter who it is, but having it be the nanny is like..." he ran a ringed-clad hand through his hair, "... the worst. What if you don't like seeing me with another woman? Or if I hate seeing you kiss anyone else? I don't know if I can handle this. And poor Y/n is then stuck in the middle."

"Harry," she turned to him and put her hand on his forearm, "You and I are solid. I trust you and you trust me. I know you can handle this. Just the same as I can. I think this will be really good for us. Probably will just make us insatiable for each other. I'm already getting so turned on just thinking about watching you with her. And just imagine it, Harry, having us both laid out, spread legs..." She smoothed a hand up his arm and to the back of his neck, pressing herself close to his body, "You dip into her for a few thrusts and then pull out and—"

"Mom, can I have ice cream? Y/n said I had to wait til you and Dad were home."

Harry and his wife laughed at the timing. They'd be returning to their conversation later.

. . .

You arrived bright and early Monday morning as requested. You loved nannying for the Styles. Mrs. Styles was so kind to you. She always made sure you had everything you needed and Mr. Styles was funny and easygoing. Plus the twins were a dream. You loved William and Warner as if they were your own.

"Morning, Y/n," Mr. Styles smiled warmly at you as he opened the door. Warner walked up to you and hugged you. He was the one who liked hugs a lot.

"Morning Mr. Styles..." you laughed and patted Warner's back, "and you too Warner."

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