Again & Again*

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Summary: It's girls night out and the hot server at the bar (Lhh!Harry) is definitely hitting on you.

Word Count: 5.4k words

Warning: SMUT

It's been ages since you've been able to go out with the girls

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It's been ages since you've been able to go out with the girls. Andrea has a two year old and can barely ever get a night away, Holly is always traveling for work, and you have been taking classes at night after work. Of course there's Bea who's always trying to get everyone together and finally, after advanced planning and lots of begging, she's been able to get you all together for a night out, even if it is a Wednesday night.

When you're seated at the booth in the bar your server makes his appearance. He's gorgeous. Tall, dark curly hair, a killer smile, sea foam green eyes, and tattoos up his arms. He's not your usual type but he's sexy and you can't help but gawk a little.

He introduces himself as Harry and takes everyone's drink order and once he's gone to put the order in all four of you quietly gush at how attractive he is.

"Did you hear his voice?"

"Sounds British."

"Seriously haven't seen a man so attractive in a long time."

After you all have let your hormones settle Harry returns with drinks for everyone. As he places drinks down he comments to you that the IPA you ordered is his favorite.

"You'll have to let me know how you like it. It's seriously so juicy." He looks at you as he speaks.

"Okay. Yeah. I've never tried it before but I love a good juicy IPA." You keep eye contact with him and watch as he winks at you before responding, "Then you'll love this one." He walks away from the table after telling everyone he'll be back to take your food order whenever you're all ready.

You all decide to order three appetizers and split everything. When Harry comes back with your food and you've emptied your pint glass he asks about your thoughts on the beer.

"So? What'd you think?"

You lift your empty glass upwards so Harry can see how you've finished, "Drank every last drop. It was so good. You're right. In fact, I think I'll have another." You smile kindly at him. He's been very sweet all night. You just know you'll be giving him a nice tip.

Harry leans in to take your glass as the others are also asking for another round and he says to you, "You did finish every last drop. Good girl. Knew you'd like it."

Andrea heard him but the other two were saying something so they missed it. You were furiously blushing, you could feel it. Your server just sort of flirted with you, calling you a good girl and it took you a moment to recover from the shock. He'd been very nice and you kept catching his gaze whenever you'd glance around the bar to look for the pretty man with the tattoos. But this? Saying you're a good girl quietly to you? You would be paying closer attention now. Maybe he was interested.

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