Music For a Festival*

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Summary: You meet Harry, the lead singer of a local rock band at a music festival and bring him back to your tent 

Word Count: 896 words

Warning: smut

This wasn't planned

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This wasn't planned. You swear. Your friend was going to kill you when she found out the singer of the rock band was fucking you in your tent. Because she was bound to find out with how loud you were being.

You came to this festival with your two girlfriends to help you get your mind off your ex. He broke up with you last week and you'd been really down. But Jessica suggested coming with her this weekend to see a bunch of up and coming local bands at the music festival in a town a few hours away.

So you were meant to be enjoying your time with your friends but how could you say no to Harry Styles? Honestly. You and your friends were stood toward the front left of the stage while Harry's band played. During their second song he caught sight of you and from then on continued to look at you, smile, and flirt from the stage the rest of the time his band was up.

He'd make intense eye contact with you as he he'd sing into the microphone and then you'd see him laugh, a big smile on his face and look down, before looking right back at you again. You're friends noticed it when he waved at you. But they didn't notice it when the band finished up and Harry came to find you. He gave you his number and told you to text him later if you wanted to hang out.

So, obviously you texted him because he was hot and tall with a killer dimpled smile and a deep voice. And it didn't take long for him to suggest that you two find somewhere more private to go to and when you offered your tent (which you weren't sharing with anyone else) he was quick to take you up on that.

It was lucky Harry'd brought condoms because you hadn't. But of course he did. He expected to get laid tonight. You, on the other hand, did not expect to get laid.

But here you were, getting laid. And getting laid good.

Harry ate you out first, like a proper gentleman. He got you to come using a few of his signature moves and you tried to keep it quiet but Harry just encouraged you to be loud.

Then Harry put his condom on and laid flat on his back.

"You're on top, baby." He spoke as he held onto the base of his cock. You nodded as you climbed up and held onto his chest as you lifted your hips over his tip and Harry held himself up to you as you sunk down over him.

Now here you were moaning and slicking yourself up and down over his heavy dick. "Harry, god that feels so good..." the tent shook slightly from the movement inside.

"Fucking feels incredible." Harry grunted as he held onto your hips with a tight grip.

Things were quite wet between your bodies. Not only were you both sweating from your current activities but it was also hot outside. Then of course there's the arousal you added to the equation that was dripping down over Harry and onto your air mattress below.

Harry shifted his hips and spread his thighs slightly and began rocking his hips upward to fuck up into your soaked cunt.

"Fucking taking my cock so well, baby. You look so pretty like this riding me with your tits in my face."

You two were no longer even trying to be quiet, he felt so fucking good and Harry wanted everyone to know you were being thoroughly pleased by his cock.

Your naked bodies moving hastily together in the heat of your one-person tent were making obvious sounds of sex. The wet squelch of his cock plunging into you, skin meeting skin at each thrust, the rustle of the fabric and air bed underneath you, the breathy moans and grunts, and of course all the dirty words said between you two. Anyone within twenty feet could hear it all.

"I'm gonna fucking come... Harry! Fuck... oh god! Yes! Oh god, Harry..." you sang out rather loudly as you started to lose yourself in the feeling of your orgasm.

Harry increased the pace of his thrusts into you when you announced your orgasm. He wanted to give it to you good with deep strokes into your tummy. He continued fucking up into you as you fell apart on his cock.

Harry gripped your hips tight as his own orgasm started to burst out of his balls and into his condom. He stilled his hips and clenched his teeth groaning deeply into the tent.

When Harry patted at your bum you shifted yourself to look up at him. You were laying over the top of him and it was hard to see his features fully as the tent was dark. There was a bit of light coming from where the festival was still going on about 200 feet away.

"Y'alright there?" He slurred his words as he squeezed your soft bottom.

"Yeah. Really relaxed. You?" You could feel that he was still inside of you.

"Mmmm... feel really good. S'it okay if I stay here tonight? Kinda feels nice to sleep next to someone. Maybe we can fool around again in the morning when we wake up."

You nod your head and kiss his chest before laying your head back onto him, "I'd like that."


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