Spiderman | fratboy!harry

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Summary: You're at the big Halloween frat costume party and get to flirting with someone dressed as Spiderman. The tall, masked man with a deep voice just so happens to know a private spot to reveal his true identity to you.

Word Count: 4.2k

Warning: 18+ only, smut, slight mask kink, this is mostly just gratuitous smut


Tonight was your excuse to dress up like the supervillain Poison Ivy. A short green dress with patches of fabric leaves all over and a crown of ivy on your head. Mostly it was just something cute to wear to draw a little attention. Plus Poison Ivy is bisexual so you were hoping at least someone picked up the hint. All were welcome, so to speak.

When you got to the frat house you noted all the sexy and fun Halloween costumes. Lots of tit-bearing cats, a few she-devils, some baseball players in well-fitted jerseys, a Lego. The house was packed. The music was loud. Too many of your fellow university schoolmates had begun drinking early. You arrived late on purpose. Drunk wasn't a cute look. At least you didn't think it was. Not on you anyway. And you kind of hoped to get hit on and maybe get lucky. Tipsy sex could be fun. Drunk sex wasn't memorable enough to be worth it.

"Haven't seen you around in a while." You looked over at a tall someone dressed in a Spiderman costume. The hood was covering his face so his identity was a mystery, though you thought you recognized the voice as someone you'd had a fun hookup with once.

You leaned your hip into the counter just as you'd finished pouring yourself a drink, "Is that so? I guess I wouldn't know if I'd seen you around or not since I can't exactly be sure who you are."

His laugh had you grinning suddenly as he mimicked your stance, leaning his own hip into the counter facing you, though you couldn't see his eyes under the spandex material.

"So, you're telling me you can't recognize me by my body?" He leaned his head down as if looking over himself before bringing his face back upward, "This costume hardly hides anything."

You cocked your head, sipping your drink as you allowed your eyes to travel over the red and blue spandex. It clung tightly to his chest and hips, thighs... You didn't miss the bulge either as you brought your eyes back up to the spot where you figured his eyes were under the mask, "Nope. Sorry. Should I recognize you by your body alone?"

You could tell he was smiling under the spandex, "You should. As I recall, you know my body rather intimately."

Now you were certain it was the fun hookup you had a while back. You didn't know him well. But you did know him to be quite popular. And attractive. And the time he went back to your dorm with you and your friend was quite memorable. But you decided to play coy a little bit. Just to get him going.

"Really? Hmm..." You feigned confusion as you slowly ate up his frame, inch by inch with your gaze. His heavy-looking bulge was a nice reminder of how sizable he was. You wouldn't forget it. "Still doesn't ring a bell. I don't see any outstanding features here." You waved your hand up and down gesturing at his frame.

He nodded and remained quiet. You were sure he was feeling you out. Trying to see if you were fucking with him or not. You were.

When he inched in toward you and placed his gloved hand over your forearm he leaned in and spoke quietly into your ear, "I'll give you a hint. Would you like a hint, Y/n?"

You nodded as you felt his warmth. He was so close to your body as he spoke, "Had you bouncing on my cock, made you come, all while your friend watched us fuck."

You swallowed. Yes. You remembered very clearly that night. It was the only time you'd ever done anything like it before. And now, he was clearly trying to get you in bed again. At least... that was the vibe you were getting. You looked down and realized his bulge was, well it was bulging. Was he getting turned on just thinking about it? You needed to have him again. Wouldn't mind feeling that thick cock inside of you once more.

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