The Scientist & the Stripper* (nerd!harry)

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Summary: Harry's your new neighbor and he's just moved in so you invite him over to get to know him better - but what you find out about him is totally unexpected

A/N: 15.2k words in total - 6k+ words of SMUT

Pairing: nerd/virgin!harry x stripper!reader

Warnings: SMUT, mentions of light alcohol use and smoking weed

The couple who lived next to you moved out last week and things were finally quiet again

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The couple who lived next to you moved out last week and things were finally quiet again. They had two young children and as cute as they were, you kind of hated kids and how obnoxious they were, and how early they insisted on waking up. Having children for neighbors was exhausting, especially because you worked nights at Star Room Gentleman's Club.

So, today when you woke up at noon you felt well rested and your mood was good. Really good. You stretched and yawned and got out of your bed, walking to your dresser to find your pack of cigarettes. You walked out to your balcony and lit up the stick and inhaled. Your view of the I-90 interstate on the south side of Chicago was not great, but having a balcony was better than not having one, even if the view was of traffic and concrete.

When you stamped out your cigarette in the ash tray you went back into your apartment and poured a glass of cold brew and turned your radio on. You stretched your sore limbs, grabbing at your ankles and nuzzling your face as close to your legs as possible before rising upward with your arms out and stretched backwards until just before you could lose your balance. It was a typical morning routine; a good cigarette, black cold brew coffee (that you made yourself because that shit is expensive to buy at the grocery store) and deep limb stretches.

You looked at your cellphone to find way too many notifications and put it back down not wanting to deal with anyone so early (well, early for you). It was nice to work odd hours because all your friends with normal jobs never cared when you didn't get back to them right away. You had to be a social butterfly and confident-flirty (i.e., dance naked) at work so when you weren't at the Star Room you didn't feel much like socializing. Your friend Micah would be coming over later with wine along with a few friends who were bringing weed and pizza. You socialized, just not all day.


After a quick shower you went to buy a few groceries and get a bottle of vodka in anticipation of your friends coming over. You weren't gone from your apartment too long but by the time you returned and stepped off the elevator to your floor there were boxes and furniture blocking you from getting to your apartment. It appeared you were getting a new neighbor.

You rolled your eyes and spoke loudly toward the door that was propped open with a table, "Hi there! Excuse me!" You waited for a moment and tried getting a look into the apartment but there didn't seem to be any movement so you decided to pop your head into the door and take a look.

There were boxes and furniture everywhere. A large bookshelf was pushed against the wall in the living room and a couch faced the window.

"Hello! Anyone here?" You shouted into the apartment.

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