Gonna Make You Mine (check-in)

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: violence suggested/alluded to but mostly just fluff

Word Count: 972

To everyone who worked under Harry, he was mean, relentless, powerful, and not someone you wanted to fuck around with

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To everyone who worked under Harry, he was mean, relentless, powerful, and not someone you wanted to fuck around with. He ran a tight ship. People didn't say no to Harry, that's why when Jake, your ex, understood Harry's intentions with you, he so easily relented, not wanting to fight Harry or lose his job (Jake was quite the pussy after all).

But around you, Harry turned into a soft puppy. Though he was still quite pushy and confident when it came to day-to-day stuff with you, if he even had an inkling that you were mad or not happy he'd nearly be on his knees trying to right the wrong, to see you smile.

So, when you called Harry today while he was on a job he wasn't able to answer the phone immediately, because he was in the middle of doing business. He saw your number appear on his phone screen while he was working a confession out of a snitch he'd tied to a chair in a warehouse.

Cursing under his breath when he realized it was you calling, he tried to speed up the job and pull the truth from the man once and for all so he could call you back before you got upset with him. You didn't like to be kept waiting.

Unfortunately, the man wouldn't budge and give up what he knew. Harry was growing increasingly impatient and he couldn't just let one of his guys take over to do it. That wasn't how Harry operated, lest he be seen like a man who couldn't finish the job.

So after hours of more convincing tactics, the man finally gave away a vital piece of information and with that Harry bid his guys goodbye, giving them permission to do away with the man however they pleased. The hard part of the job was done.

He called you back immediately as he jogged to his black Mercedes G Wagon, getting in and driving off down the road. When you finally picked up he could hear it in your voice. You were pissed.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I got caught up on a job..."

You scoffed into the phone and spoke over him, "For four fucking hours, Harry?! You couldn't like, take a break and call me back? I can't handle not knowing if you're okay or not. Are you coming home?"

You knew what Harry did for a living. You knew how dangerous the job was and you hated it. Four hours of no contact was unacceptable to you.

Harry tried to calm you and told you he was on his way home. He stopped first to get flowers for you and then he picked out your favorite gelato and got two pints to bring back home.

He rushed up the long driveway and jumped out of his vehicle with your gelato and flowers in hand. He walked into the home and it was quiet. You weren't waiting for him at the door like you normally would be, but he knew you were upset. He sat the gelato in the kitchen and walked upstairs to the master suite to find you sitting in the soft chair next to the window reading.

He walked across the room to you with the beautiful bouquet in hand and knelt down in front of you. You finally graced him with a glance.

Harry put the flowers next to you on the table and buried his face .

"I'm so sorry, baby. I never want to disappoint you or make you mad." Harry nuzzled in further as you rolled your eyes and the anger you felt melted away completely at his sweet gesture. You put your hand in his hair at the back of his head and smiled.

"I don't like not knowing if you're okay or not, Harry. I was worried."

Harry lifted his head to look up at you, "I know, baby. Please forgive me. I would have called you back right away if I could have. Please..." his hands drew up your calves and over your knees then smoothed onto your outer thighs as he kept his eyes on yours.

You sighed. It was hard to stay mad at the man. He always knew exactly what to do to make you soft for him.

"I know, Harry. It's just so hard sometimes."

Harry pushed your thighs apart and scooted himself in between them, his knees still on the floor, and leaned in to you, wrapping his arms around your middle and nuzzling his face into your chest.

"I don't want you to think being with me is hard. I'm so scared you're going to get fed up and leave me one day." Harry speaks softly.

You put your hands into his hair and kiss the top of his head, "I'm not going to leave you, Harry. I promise. It's you leaving me, never coming back from a dangerous job, that I'm more worried about."

Harry hung on tightly to you as you continued brushing your fingers through his hair and lightly scratched at his scalp in soothing strokes.

Finally you patted his back, "Come on, Harry. Let's go put these flowers in a vase."

Harry looked up at you with a handsome smile and stood, helping you up out of your chair, "Got you your favorite gelato as well. S'in the kitchen."

You laughed and shook your head, Harry was always working to butter you up any time he did something that upset you, "You don't have to buy me snacks and flowers and gifts every time you think I'm mad at you, Harry. You're all I want."

Harry pulled you into his arms and looked down at you, his beautiful girl, "You have me, baby. I'm all yours."


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