The Trio

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🏳️‍🌈 Requested for Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈

Summary: Three strangers meet at a club and things get sexy. Featuring a MMF threesome + Double Penetration 

Word Count: 3k

Warning: smut, oral sex, anal sex, strangers fucking (safe and consented), double penetration


Harry went for a night out with no expectations for anything in particular. It was always in the back of his mind to find a hookup but it wasn't a priority. If it happened, it happened.

The club entry was only $5 and the DJ spinning that night had exceptional taste, he thought. The space was dark, only illuminated by flashing colorful lights over the crowd of half-naked, sweaty bodies gyrating together.

Harry took a shot of tequila and then found a spot for himself to dance with the crowd of people. Letting the stress of the week wash away as he moved to the beat he felt himself loosen up bit by bit.

It wasn't long before an attractive guy began to dance with him closely. Their chemistry was good, Harry could tell.

"I'm Roy," he leaned in close and spoke into Harry's ear, hand on his shoulder.

"Harry," he smiled, continuing to move with his eyes on the handsome man in front of him.

. .

Y/n spotted the pair on the dancefloor from her place at the bar. She was working up a bit of liquid courage to get herself out there to dance when she saw them.

They were extremely attractive, both with wide grins, looking the other up and down. She wondered if they knew one another or if they were strangers who'd just met. She wouldn't mind having them let her join. If they were into girls that is.

But she wasn't at the club to feel insecure about herself or question anything. She was there to get laid. Girl, guy, anything in between... it didn't matter. Y/n was a single woman who liked everyone and everything. But she did want to try something new and two hot men could be a bit of fun.

Working her way through the human sea of erotic dancing she got in close enough to the handsome duo. They were both about equal in height and quite fit. One had tattoos up the length of his arm but both were brunettes.

The one with tattoos locked eyes with her as she swayed her hips and his raspberry mouth turned up in a grin aimed at her.

And then they were all dancing together. She didn't know how it had happened but the other had found his way behind her and the beat seemed to move them all together. Her short dress was riding up her thighs as she moved with the music but she didn't care. That was the point; to show off what she had and if they might be interested then even better.

Clearly, they were both interested. When the one with tattoos placed his hand on her hip and he was just inches from her she could see his green eyes and smell his cologne. The man behind her pulled at her waist and spoke against her earlobe, "This okay?"

She nodded and turned to look at the man over her shoulder, "Don't stop," she smiled at him.

So they didn't. Their bodies moved together and the brunette with tattoos and the one without took turns dancing behind her, touching the exposed skin on her arms and thighs and touching one another, where she enjoyed watching the men as they began to kiss before they tugged at her to join and the trio smeared lips and tongues and slippery skin together as they continued writhing to the beat.

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