Daddy's Pretty Girl

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Daddy Dom!Harry

Summary: Harry just wants to make his princess happy OR The story of you and Harry, how you met, and all the rest.

A/n: This was previously posted on Patreon! All Subsequent parts will only be posted on Patreon.

Word Count: 4,385

Warning: Smut, cock warming, exhibition kink (public), daddy kink, DDlg (consented and role play understood), dom/sub dynamic

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"Princess? What are you doing?" Harry spoke calmly as he placed his hands on your hips while you balanced yourself on the counter to reach the tallest cupboard.

"I can't reach this high so I had to climb up here to get something."

"And why didn't you ask me for help? Hmm?" He gripped you in his hands and pulled you down to the floor safely.

You'd been caught red-handed. Well, sort of. You hadn't quite found what you were looking for before Harry noticed you climbing on the counter. It was the package of butter shortbread cookies with the strawberry jam and cream in the center that you were trying to find. Harry hid them from you because every time he brought home your little treats you'd ruin your appetite for dinner and so it was just easier for him to put them somewhere you couldn't find them.

Pouting you kicked your bare foot against your shin, "Just didn't want to bother you."

Harry crossed his arms over his chest and leaned his bottom into the counter as he smirked at you, "Oh is that so? And what were you looking for then?"

You shrugged and looked up at him with your sweetest softest eyes as you bit your lip. He knew what you were looking for. He didn't even need to ask.

Harry sighed and walked past you to the pantry and reached to the tall shelf pulling down your treats. You smiled widely and clasped your hands together, waiting patiently for him to dole out a few of them to you.

"You don't have to sneak around, Princess. If you want a little treat I'll give you a little treat. Just ask. But tell Daddy why he hides these from you. Want to make sure you remember."

Nodding you responded, "Cause I'll eat the whole box. Then I won't eat my dinner. And my tummy always hurts after."

"That's right. Because you're like a little puppy with no off switch when it comes to your treats. You'd inhale the whole package if given the chance."

"But I just wanted one this time. Promise."

"You never just want one, Y/n," he took your chin in his hand, "How many do you want?"

"Can I have three?"

Harry smiled and let go of your chin as he reached into the package and pulled out four of your cookies, handing them to you. He always gave you an extra.

"Thank you, Daddy!" You bit into the first one, the buttery crust of the cookie crumbling into the tart strawberry jam with the cream coating your tongue. "Mmmm..."

"You're welcome, Princess," he leaned down to kiss your forehead, "Don't climb up on the counters like that anymore. Okay? Can't have you getting hurt over a $5 box of biscuits."

You sighed and nodded as you chewed your next bite and then followed Harry up to his office where he was finishing work. When he sat down in his chair you sat in his lap and popped the next cookie into your mouth. Harry was used to you interrupting his work and sitting in his lap. He didn't mind it. In fact, he preferred having you in his lap as often as possible.

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