The Wedding Guest*

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Summary: You meet Harry at a friend's wedding and show up at his hotel room the next morning to take him up on an offer he made you the night before.

Word Count: 4.4k words

Warning: Smut, NSFW, 18+ only, light alcohol use, mentions of a pet dying

Warning: Smut, NSFW, 18+ only, light alcohol use, mentions of a pet dying

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The wedding was lovely. Everything about their big day turned out perfectly. You were happy to be a guest at such an event. Your friends were truly lucky to have found one another. But as happy as you were for them, you'd had the worst day ever.

Your morning started with a phone call from your mom telling you that Bogus had died. Bogus was their dog, a dog you loved for nearly a decade. He was old and it was his time, but it was still a heartbreaking way to wake up. Your mother was in tears about it and she told you they had planned on burying him in their backyard.

Then, when you got to the venue for the wedding and checked into your hotel room you got a text message from the guy you'd been seeing telling you he wasn't going to be able to make it to the wedding after all. You invited him to be your plus one, and you both had made plans to attend together for nearly a month, someone to keep you company and dance with. You two had been on a handful of dates and you slept with him on the last date. It wasn't a serious thing with him, but you were starting to kind of like him a bit more. But now the last minute cancellation from him had you angry. You didn't even text him back to acknowledge you got the text. He didn't even bother to call you to let you know.

You rifled through your bag and pulled out the things you'd need for the wedding to get ready and you saw the box of condoms you brought along, thinking you'd be having sex with your date after the wedding. You laughed to yourself and shook your head. Clearly these wouldn't be getting used tonight.

Then, to top everything off, about an hour before the wedding you started getting a headache. You took some painkillers to get relief but then you realized that meant you probably shouldn't be drinking too much, if at all. So you'd really screwed yourself. You'd need to wait at least six hours before you felt okay to have a drink, if your headache was gone by then. You weren't one to mix painkillers and alcohol.

At the reception you sat at the table you were assigned and there were two other couples sat with you. Of course your plus one wasn't there so you were mostly just in your own world by yourself. The other couples (who you didn't know) were kind and they made small talk with you but they all knew one another and so they mostly kept to themselves. You were pissed your date flaked last minute.

When everyone got up to go to the dance floor you realized your headache seemed to be gone but you still didn't want to drink anything just in case and you certainly weren't in the mood to dance because you didn't know that many people here and you had zero alcohol in your system.

After another hour or so you'd had enough water and sitting silently at your assigned table so you decided to get up and go sit at the bar and have a glass of wine before calling it a night. You were kind of looking forward to getting to your room and passing out. It hadn't been a good day and sleep might make you feel a bit better.

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