Nothings New.. Or Not?

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[noah's pov] Everyday was basically the same. Boring. I go through my classes, I get called names, read my book, become very confused with Izzy- you probably get it. On the upper hand of being the weird (gay) kid who reads all the time, I sometimes overhear something, (because everyone thinks I'm deaf apparently) that I'm probably not supposed to overhear. I usually just hear the occasional crush, or a fight that's going on, but I'm not into drama. It just wastes time.

And, to my "big surprise", I hear someone has a new person they find cute. I roll my eyes but continue to listen because it's not like I have anything better to do. This Girl named Sierra was talking about a new kid coming to the school. "He's soooo cute!!" Sierra always weirds me out, so I can't expect much. I keep going through my cycle but right before lunch, 4th period, the new kid walks in. He has brown hair, a big gap in his teeth and he looks kinda awkward. 

The teacher says his name was Cody, and that's all I really need to know. But the teacher also tells him to take a seat wherever, and of course the only open seat is next to mine. Fucking amazing. Splendid, if you will. The teacher goes back to teaching stupid nonsense so she doesn't see that he has to sit next to me. I guess he doesn't notice the very clear open seat, so he looks around and walks to the back of the classroom. 

he stops in-front of my seat. I don't even glance up, i just roll my chair closer to the wall. It felt like he was just standing there for an eternity. He looks so awkward. I roll my eyes as he sits in the chair next to me. God.

-Eli!! :O]       (310 words]

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