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time skip to Monday

[noahs pov] all day yesterday I was checking for a text back but he never did. I decided to just give up and sleep then ask him about it today. Would that make me sound too desperate? Probably. 

When I finally get to school 10 minutes early as always, I start off the day by buying breakfast and going to my locker. I start getting my books out of my (very neat) locker, and as soon as I'm finished the gal toothed boy walks over to me- or his locker. either one. "Hey Noah!" He greeted me. "Hi Cody." I quickly glanced at him before zipping my bag up. "Uh I saw your text, I just couldn't get back to you because I'm a little grounded.. it's only temporary though!" He explained. I guess I didn't have to ask him. yay me.

 As I slipped my backpack on, he opened his locker and started getting his supplies for classes. As he talked to me about what he did on Sunday, my eyes wandered to his messy locker then back to him. I examine him for the 2nd time. I notice he's kind of.. attractive? Shit. shit shit shit shit shit shit. I can not  have a crush on this dude. The light drained from my face. (If there was any.) My heart starts to sink, and I get a weird feeling in my stomach. He continues to speak but it's all mush. "Uhm Cody, I have to go to the restroom. I'll see you in 4th period, k?" I quickly say. Before he gets the chance to react, I run into the boys bathroom right across from our lockers, conveniently but not so conveniently.

I turn the corner in the bathroom to see Duncan by the sinks. I do not  have time for his shit right now. "What's wrong Noah? Afraid your boyfriend doesn't like you?" He teases. This guy. "Why are you watching my every move?!?!" I angrily question him. "Woah, no need to get all touchy, nerd." He chuckles. Fuck it. "Duncan, if you say another word I am going to rip those probably fake piercings out and punch you so hard you will not be able to wake up for the next eight weeks. Now get out of here, you little bitch." He's probably going to beat my ass about this later but at this point, I have nothing to lose. 

After the douchebag leaves, I look myself into a stall and try to get myself together. Im not I? Who could I even tell? Izzy and Owen would make a huge deal about it, and I'm not sure Eva is the crushy type.. I could just keep it to myself. Yeah. If I ignore it, it will go away. ... I'm fucking doomed.

(470 words!! I'm finally getting to the good part because it's chapter like 13 😭 -Eli X3)

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