Owen added Cody to the conversation

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[codys pov] I GOT MY FIRST SECRET ADMIRER! And I think the only person that actually uh liked me.. but that's out of the subject!!!! I wonder who it could be.. noah seemed really nervous when I got it, but he's probably jealous! wait.. what if it WAS Noah?!?!?! and why do I kind of wish it was him? Probably just.. uhm.. the codemeister will find out who did this!!!

classes classes blah blah

I went as fast as I could to the lunch table to show Izzy and Owen the note. Noah was reading as always but stopped after I accidentally bumped into him while sitting down. He sighs. That's just typical Noah so I ignore him. "Guys look! I have a secret admirer!" I slap the letter down at the table, and Izzy and Owen look at eachother.

[noahs pov] Cody just practically spawned next to me and of course he had to bring up the love letter. Izzy and Owen look at eachother and then at me. I give them the dont-say-anything-or-I-will-kill-you look. "That's SOO adorable!! Do you think you'll get another one??" Izzy plays it off and I almost evaporate of embarrassment and relief at the same time. "I don't know.. maybe." Cody says, inspecting the note once more. "Probably just someone teasing you." I say as my mouth is full of (disgusting) cafeteria food. He looked genuinely hurt by that, and I wanted to say sorry. Since when do I say sorry?

The rest of the day was the same as always, just Cody blabbering on to me about who the secret admirer would be. I don't plan to write another one, seeing how that turned out. Also, the last thing I need is for Cody to actually find out it's me. How would I even tell him? "oh yeah I wrote it silly me!!"


I'm exhausted by today, and I just lay down when I get home until I get a text from the groupchat.

                                                                                 THE CRAZY PPL!!! (and Noah)

Izzy:  u should totally write another letter Noah!! It was so cute!! ❤️

You: no. he's probably already figuring it out as we speak. 

Owen: Oopsies my finger slipped        

                                                                   Owen added Cody to the conversation.

You: I hate you all.

Cody: Hi!! What are you talking abt? :]

Worst Enemy: Oh nothing 

Worst enemy II: cough cough!!

Cody: ..?

Noah: this is what it's like being in our friend group. get used to it.

Cody: alrighty then

I'm inevitably fucked.

(402 words!! This is a really short chapter again sorry :( please read next thing though!! -Eli :>)

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