locker partners.

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[codys pov] I lovelovelove talking about my music taste!! I think I'm becoming Noah's friend, so that's a plus too. I look at my schedule and I have math next, everyone is already in their class so I'm late. I honestly have no idea where the math class is, but I found it. I look around for an open seat, and I softly smiled when I saw Noah sitting next to an open seat. Why was all of the seats empty around him?

[noahs pov] I was genuinely happy to see him. I tried to hide my smile though, because people can't think I'm soft or whatever. He sat down by me and whispered, "what are your afternoon classes?" I'm guessing he already knows I'm only in one of his morning classes. "Math, social studies, study hall, reading." I answer. He looks at his schedule and looks disappointed. "This is the only class we have together for the afternoon." Should I be glad? Or maybe not. I don't know. I shrug. "That sucks," I whisper back to him.

Math class was boring, like it always is. The one thing different about it was that I was sitting next to the gap-toothed geek. I could start to feel my palms sweat, and my hands are always cold. Why am I feeling like this? It's unnatural for me.

Time skip to end of the day

Fortunately, i had enough luck that he wasn't in my homeroom. I push through the flow of people in the halls and try to drown in out their talking. Unfortunately, his locker was right next to mine. The hell? It's like god was set out to destroy me. The one person I want to avoid has to invade my locker space aswell? Kill me already.

His locker was already messy and unorganized. I keep my head down to try to limit his clues about who was next to him. Just put your books away and go, just put your books away and go. I thought to myself. And that's exactly what I did.

[codys pov] I walk home now, because my new house is so close to the school. I have a hard time  remembering things so I wrote my new address on my hand. I hope i can get there. As I'm walking, I see Noah at the end of the sidewalk, reading while walking. "Noah!" I yell. He turns around as he closes his book. I run up to him. "Whats your address?" I ask while still panting. He looks at me a little concerned... but it's normal to ask someone their address, right? "(Pretend he said his address because I can't make up one for the life of me)" omg. We live so close to each other!! "I think you live across from me!" I excitedly say. He shrugs. We kinda just talk for the rest of the way home, and we had to separate once we got to our houses. "See ya tomorrow!" I wave goodbye. "Bye." 

Before I go in to the house, I take a deep breath. I open the door and yell, "I'm home!" to see if anyone else is there. I check the garage, no cars. Yes!1!1!1!1 I run up to my room and play Minecraft for thirty minutes. I hear the garage door open and frantically run around. Uh oh. I guess I'm going to Noah's house.

-Eli :P   (565 words)

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