the second letter

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[noahs pov]  This is stupid. Owens Stupid. Izzys stupid. I'm stupid. Everything's stupid.

                          Dear Cody,

                                                       I have to write another one of these cheesy ass letters to you to "express my feelings" or whatever. You probably don't even like guys. I've overheard you trying to figure out who I am and it's pretty cute. I cant help but like you.

                                                                                                                          Regards, your secret admirer

I hate everyone.

 Time skip to next day because I have no ideas 😱

I always get to school early as I've stated before, so I know the drill. I slip the godforsaken note into Cody's locker, then open mine. I eat breakfast after I get my books and whatnot. About ten minutes later, Cody shows up.

[codys pov] I walk through the doorway and see Noah! I wave to him as I go to my locker. He waves back at me, looking down to his book. I open my locker and there's ANOTHER NOTE!! I try not to sound too excited but I'm really invested in who my secret admirer could be! "NOAHNOAHNOAHNOAH!" I run up to him. "My ear hurts. What is it?" I shove the paper into his hands. I watch his eyes read each line, then look back to me. "Why are you running around like some lovesick puppy? It's hard to watch, dude." He says, unamused. "Maybe you're just jealous!" I teased. He rolls his eyes and hands the note back to me. "As if." He scoffs. He's acting a little weird.

In class, I made a list of possible suspects. 

Sierra.. Noah??

I admit it, I didn't know a whole bunch of people at the moment. Izzy and Owen are dating so they definitely couldn't be it. And Eva.. is Eva. Noah is a possibility. Who signs a love letter off with "regards"????? Noah would do that. I decide to get advice from Owen at lunch. 

(311 words!! I hate this chapter  I hate this chapter I hate this chapter I hate this chapter I hate this chapter -Eli >:(()

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