I promise that you'll never find another like ME!

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(In the past; a phrase which here means, "right before izzy and Noah talked")

[cody's pov] right before lunch, I have to go the bathroom, so I decide I would go quickly. Right when I start washing my hands, I hear a voice. "Hey you!" What was that? Im getting pretty creeped out cause no one else was in the bathroom except for me. "Huh?" I say. Sounds like it's coming from..the vents? "Yeah you! Do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?" the voice asks. That's a really weird way of asking but hey, I don't have anywhere else to sit. "Uhm.. sure?" I answer. The voice giggles and says, "Perfect! If you see me, Owen, or Noah sit where they're sitting!" 

I didn't know who the voice was, or Owen, but i got super excited once i heard Noahs name. I'm pretty sure he's becoming my friend??? 

-Eli :) (i couldn't think of a title for this chapter so I just me hee hee'd it; 169 words)

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